Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee
DATE: Tuesday, March 23, 2004
TIME: 9:00 am
3rd Floor - County Board Room
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI
- Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings law.
- Adopt agenda.
- Adopt minutes of previous meeting(s).
- Communications.
- Business items.
- Approval of Vouchers
- Committee consideration and approval of vouchers for the Register of Deeds, Mapping and Surveying Departments.
- Departmental updates: Planning & Zoning
- Monthly report.
- Discussion and possible action on Resolution denying claim of LeRoy, Lois, Stephen and Marsha Luther, residents of the Town of Fairfield.
- Discussion and action on Invoice # 002004020107 in the amount of $1533.30 for work completed on Phase II of the USH 12 Plan, specifically, the Sauk City Bypass Alternatives study and the Tourist Entertainment Development Guidelines.
- Discussion and action on Resolution for the Baraboo Range Protection Program for purchase of development rights from Joseph and Beverly Dietenberger (70 acres) in the Town of Baraboo.
- Discussion and action on Petition #8-2004 for a rezone to Recreational Commercial from Multi-family by Christmas Mountain Village(Bluegreen). Public Hearing held 2/24/2004.
- Review and approval of vouchers.
- Petition #3-2004 and #4-2004 - A petition for approval of a Development Plan and Preliminary Plat (as a Planned Development) by Rick Richard, Bluffview Village, in the Town of Sumpter, Sauk County, Wisconsin. The purpose of petition is to plat and divide the existing Bluffview area into separate lots and to establish additional lots for new development. Due to the preexisting structures and other various issues, the proposed plat is requested as a Planned Development to better accomodate the existing development and to provide additional options for new development or redevelopment. The parcel of land affected by the plat request is located in Section 3, T10N, R6E in the Town of Sumpter.
- Petition # 9-2004 - A petition for approval of a Planned Development by April Youngs for Bluffview Acres, in the Town of Sumpter, Sauk County, Wisconsin. The purpose of the petition is to obtain approval for the mobile home park to be classified as a Planned Development area. Due to the preexisting structures in relation to existing or proposed public right-of-ways, waivers as a Planned Development are being requested to better accomodate existing development and redevelopment of the area in the future. The parcel of land affected by the Planned Development is located in Section 3, T10N, R6E in the Town of Sumpter.
- Next meeting (Tuesday, April 13, 2004)
- Adjournment
COPIES TO: County Clerk Wiegand Brenson Bailey Cassity Wiese Lehman Ashford Halsey Sprecher Filus Town Clerks Town Chairpersons Christmas Mountain MSA-Carter Arndt/Doug Wilcox Rick Richard April Youngs Joseph and Beverly Dietenberger Tim Colby Brian Kindschi
DATE NOTICE MAILED: March 18, 2004
PREPARED BY: Lance J. Gurney, Planning & Zoning Department