Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

DATE: Tuesday, April 27, 2004
3rd Floor - County Board Room
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI



  1. Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings law.
  2. Adopt agenda.
  3. Adopt minutes of previous meeting(s).
  4. Communications.
  5. Business items.
  6. Approval of Vouchers
    1. Committee consideration and approval of vouchers for the Register of Deeds, Mapping and Surveying Departments
  7. Departmental updates: Planning & Zoning
    1. Monthly Report.
    2. Discussion and action on resolution to accept and approve the Town of Greenfield Land Use Moratorium Ordinance No. 01-2004, in conjunction with the Town's comprehensive planning process.
    3. Request by Steven Coens/Greg Fauerbach for a variance from the standards of Chapter 22 of the Sauk County Code of Ordinances in accordance with Section 22.61 to allow for a four lot land division by way of a certified survey map within the City of Reedsburg Extraterritorial Area and in compliance with applicable City regulations.
    4. Review and approval of vouchers.
  8. Public Hearing: To begin at approximately 9:30 a.m. (No Hearings Scheduled)
  9. Next meeting (Tuesday, April 11, 2004)
  10. Adjournment

COPIES TO: County Clerk, Wiegand, Brenson, Bailey, Cassity, Wiese, Lehman, Ashford, Halsey, Sprecher, Filus, Town Clerks, Town Chairpersons, Fauerback, Terry, Turnquist, Coens

PREPARED BY: Lance J. Gurney, Planning & Zoning Department