Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee
DATE: Tuesday, August 10, 2004
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
3rd Floor - Sauk County Board Room
West Square Building
505 Broadway, Baraboo, WI
- Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings law.
- Adopt agenda.
- Adopt minutes of previous meeting(s).
- Communications.
- Business items. (Committee to sign rezone ordinance for Maxwell)
- Departmental updates: Register of Deeds
- Monthly report.
- Review and possible action approving 2005 Departmental Budget.
- Discussion and action on any vouchers.
- Departmental updates: Mapping
- Monthly report.
- Review and possible action approving 2005 Budget for the Mapping and Land Records budgets.
- Discussion and action on any vouchers.
- Departmental updates: Surveying
- Monthly report.
- Review and possible action approving 2005 Departmental Budget.
- Departmental updates: Planning & Zoning
- Monthly report.
- Discussion and action on resolution for the Baraboo Range Protection Program for purchase of development rights from Harley and Linda Boettcher (70.98 acres) in the Town of Honey Creek.
- Discussion and action regarding Petition #14-2004 to rezone from an Exclusive Agricultural zoning district to an Agricluture zoning district by Donald and Karen Gardner, E4247 Old K Road, Reedsburg, 53959 for the purpose of bringing an existing kennel operation into compliance with current zoning and to allow for the constuction of a new kennel building and expansion of the existing business. The property is located in Section 23, T12N, R3E of the Town of Ironton. (the public hearing for this petition was held on June 22, 2004)
- Discussion and action regarding Petition #20-2004 to rezone from an Agriculture zoning district to a Recreational/Commercial zoning district by Russell Hansen, 5332 Stark Road, Sun Prairie, WI 53590 for the purpose of establishing a 200-site campground by a special exception process. The property is located in Sections 15 and 22, T13N, R5E of the Town of Dellona. (the public hearing for this petition was held on July 27, 2004)
- Discussion and action on request for one staff to attend the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Planning Association's Fall Conference held in La Crosse.
- Discussion and possible action on Resolution Supporting Measures to Ensure Groundwater and Private Wells Are Free From Contaminants From Badger Army Ammunition Plant.
- Next meeting
- Petition 23-2004 Sauk County Preservation Plan
- Petition 18-2004 Pelton Rezone Petition
- Petition 19-2004 Pelton Preliminary Plat Petition
- Adjournment
COPIES TO: County Clerk Wiegand Brenson Bailey Gaalswyck Wiese Lehman Ashford Halsey Sprecher Filus Town Clerks Town Chairpersons Russel Hansen Don & Karen Gardner Harley and Linda Boettcher
DATE NOTICE MAILED: October 8, 2004
PREPARED BY: Lance J. Gurney, Planning & Zoning Department