DATE: April 13, 2004
Committee Members Present: Weise, Ashford, Cassity, Lehman and Sprecher.
Others Present: Ted Brenson, Matt Filus, Gina Templin, Lance Gurney, Brian Simmert, Brent Baily, and Reggie Jaquish, from Team Engineering. See registration slips for those registered for the public hearings.
Chairman Weise called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashord to adopt agenda as changed.
Motion carried.
Motion by Cassity, seconded by Sprecher to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
Motion carried.
None to report.
Business Items:
To be covered during the monthly reports.
Departmental Updates:
Ted Brenson, from the Mapping Department presented vouchers in the amount of $2,640.00. Motion by Lehman, seconded by Cassity to approve the vouchers.
Motion carried.
Matt Filus, County Surveyor discussed a letter to Team Engineering regarding the remonumentation process as well as final payment for the project in the amount of $51,063.60. Wiese asked about the equipment and the abilities to find a stake and not dig up the road for searching for that. Filus explained that where the original surveyors put the corner, that is where it is, whether it is in error or not and in order to determine the corner to be in the right spot, they need to dig it up. Filus then explained the monument and corners and the differences. Cassity asked for clarification in the surveying and remonumentation process. Filus explained the process.
Motion by Ashord, seconded by Cassity to pay the voucher for the Surveyor Department.
Motion carried.
Gurney then presented, in the absence of Bailey, the vouchers for March, for the Register of Deeds department in the amount of $4,070.67. Motion by Ashord, seconded by Sprecher to approve the vouchers.
Motion carried.
Gurney also presented vouchers for April for the Register of Deeds Office in the amount of $4,901.82. Bailey then joined the Committee meeting and provided additional explanation of vouchers. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the vouchers.
Motion carried.
Wiese called the public hearing to order at 9:55 a.m. and the board introduced themselves.
Templin read the public notice for petition #09-2004.
Simmert appeared and clarified that the PUD proposals will not need to go to the County Board hearing as the Committee can give sole approval. He continued to provide the staff report and give a history and background of the request. He then referred to a map showing the mobile home park and reviewed what the applicant is requesting as part of the PUD.
Cassity asked if they were changing the zoning to allow a closer setback. Simmert explained that they are not changing the zoning, but using the overlay of the Planned Unit Development which will determine/reduce the setback.
Cassity asked why they are doing it this way. That question will be deferred to Lance Gurney.
Lehman asked who maintains the roads within Bluffview. Gurney stated the developer does.
April Youngs, applicant, appearing in favor of the request, explained the mobile home park and gave some history and features of the park and the needs. She further explained the reasoning for requesting the PUD.
Lehman asked about parking. Youngs stated that the majority of the homes have individual drives, however some of the older homesites do have to park on the roads and any new development will conform to parking requirements.
Ashford asked where the setback adjustment will take place. Youngs explained.
Lance Gurney, provided the committee a little more background why this is an issue today and other plans within this area and how it will affect future uses.
Ashford asked about an "L" shaped property. Gurney stated that is property owned by Mr. Richards which will be addressed in the next public hearing. Ashford also asked about access to Highway 12. Gurney explained.
Cassity asked if the Town road setback and the rezone throws that out the window. Gurney explained that the property is not being rezoned and detailed why a PUD is used and what this entails. Cassity stated he wants to make sure there is no problems with the Town road and asked if the committee has the authority to grant them to go within the setback of the road. Gurney explained that the town has looked closely at this site and continued to explain what a PUD does and when it is used. Cassity asked about controversy with the Town. Gurney stated that the Town asked for approval of this PUD and he believes the County should go along with the Town.
Rick Richards, appearing in favor of the request, explained for the committee in further detail the roads and the property around there.
Seeing as no one wished to speak, Chair Wiese closed the public portion of the meeting at 10:20 a.m.
Sprecher stated that it appears like this is something that needs to be done. Ashford stated she agrees that it is an organizational event and will improve the property.
Cassity spoke of his concerns on parking issues and the 10 foot setback. Gurney explained the road setbacks and rationale for distances included within the ordinance.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to approve the request.
Motion carried.
Templin read the notice for Pet #03 and #04-2004.
Simmert appeared and gave the staff report and background and history of the request. He also reviewed proposed changes to the PUD and presented documentation from Joe Costanza, MEI, the Town's hired Building Inspector/Engineer. He also stated that the Sauk Prairie Fire Department has not provided information to verify that they will be able to provide emergency fire services to the development and requested change to the potable water availability and additional agreements by the owner with adjacent owners.
Gurney then appeared and discussed the area in reference to the Town of Sumpter's Comprehensive Planning process and development issues and clarified the twin-lot duplex/zero lot line.
Cassity asked what zoning allows this. Gurney stated that multi-family zoning allows this and verified that nothing needs to be rezoned to allow this proposal. He continued to explain the process of this request and the issues to be addressed that have been left unresolved at this time, so the committee can soon act on the proposal.
Ashford asked where Delaney's and Dr. Evermore is located in reference to this property. Gurney explained. Ashford stated she would like to take a tour because she is getting an impression of big overcrowding within the middle of Sauk County. Gurney explained the wishes of the Town during their comprehensive planning process.
Ashford also mentioned the lack of knowing what is going to be happening to the sanitary facility at Badger. Gurney stated that is why they have requested language amendments addressing the sanitary facilities and the responsibilities to provide a reasonable alternative to using the system at Badger.
William Greenhalgh, appearing in favor of the request, representing Mr. Richard, updated the committee on action taken by the Town. The Town's Plan Commission did make a motion to recommend that a conditional use permit be allowed for the development to move forward. However since then there has been additional input from the Town's Engineer, and he addressed some of the other concerns of the Town and County. He then stated that his office would put together a developers agreement (redraft of what has been submitted to the county), addressing the sanitary district, roadways and such, to get the Town's approval.
Cassity left the committee meeting at this time.
Rick Richard, applicant, speaking in favor of the request, spoke of the efforts that have been done so far and spoke of the rezone issues and land exchange with Delaney's. He also spoke of improvements made to that area, including the request that was heard just before his. He then explained some of the issues he's working on.
Arlen Ostreng, appearing in favor of the request, stated he is there to address any engineering issues the committee may have on the project. He also spoke of the sanitary facilities.
Ashford spoke of the Utility District in the Town of Merrimac and asked questions about the Sanitary District and questions if there are resources in a "village structure" to have a sanitary district, water utility, and such and how monetarily and organizationally they will be able to pull this off. Gurney explained the eligibility for grants to help pay for some costs and reduce the burden on the residents. He also spoke of other rural funds that could be applied for. Ashford just asked for some assurances that the project will be able to be completed and not run out of funds.
Gurney explained his satisfaction of the expertise that is being utilized in this project to provide some comfort in the fact that the project will get done to completion and done right.
Jessica Luetkins, appearing in favor of the request, stated that she has been with the company for about 9 years and has witnessed the Bluffview area going from what it was to what it is now.
Rick Richards, reappearing, presented photos of the duplexes that will be used on the zero-lot line and continued to discuss the priority of keeping housing affordable.
Seeing as no one wished to speak, Chair Wiese closed the public portion of the hearing at 11:30 a.m.
Wiese stated he believes the committee needs to postpone the final decision until the Town has been heard from.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to postpone the final decision on this request until the issues have been addressed within the staff report and until the Town has been heard from.
The public hearing has been concluded:
The Committee then heard from the Planning & Zoning Department for their departmental update.
Gurney informed the Committee of the loss of Mary White's husband, Den.
He then spoke of the resolution that was passed to enter into a grant from the DOC for 2 ag farmers in Sauk County and part of that application was to consider a revolving loan fund and the consideration of the Administrative Coordinator's request to assist and take over the administration of the fund.
Wiese stated it is a lot of extra work, but it is something that is needed. Gurney explained the initial work and the process of the program.
Ashford asked if this is something that Gurney wants to take on. Gurney explained that he's not looking for extra work but would be upset if the county looses this opportunity since it is a major benefit for the county.
The Committee decided to allow to leave the decision up to Gurney and feels that if he believes he is capable of taking it on, it is ok to do so.
Lehman suggested more press for this program so that people know it is out there.
Gurney then spoke of the issue in Westfield with the duplex that houses the placed sexual offenders by the Sheriff's Department and Department of Corrections. He explained the zoning issues in reference to that duplex.
The Committee then discussed the action on invoices in the amounts of $1,533.30 and $12,009.86 for work completed on the Phase II of the USH 12 Plan, specifically the Sauk City Bypass Alternatives study and the Tourist Entertainment Development Guidelines. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Lehman to approve the invoices.
Motion carried.
Dave Tremble appeared and presented the information on the Resolution for the Baraboo Range Protection Program for purchase of development rights from Joseph and Beverly Dietenberger (70 acres) in the Town of Baraboo. He also explained the process for the committee. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the purchase of Development rights.
Motion carried, with Lehman in opposition.
The Committee then discussed petition #8 for a rezone to Recreational Commercial from Multi-family by Christmas Mountain Village (Bluegreen), which the public hearing was held on 2/24/04. The County had now received confrmation that the Town approved the rezone requests. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Wiese to approve the rezone.
Motion carried.
Gurney presented the vouchers in the amount of $6,880.73 for the Committee to review. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the vouchers.
Motion carried.
Gurney thanked the Committee for their service the last couple years.
Motion by Lehman, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary