Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: May 11, 2004

Committee Members Present: Wiese, Ashford, Gaalsywk, and Sprecher.

Committee Member Absent: Lehman

Others Present: Lance Gurney, Ted Brenson, Reggie Jaquish, Kirk Contrucci, Lowell Haugen, Mary White and Brian Simmert.

Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the minutes from the April 13, 2004 joint Committee meeting between the Planning, Zoning and Land Records Committee and the E & L Committee and the minutes from the April 13, 2004 and April 27, 2004 Planning, Zoning and Land Records Committee. Motion carried, with Mr. Gaalsywk abstaining.

Election of Committee officers will be held on May 25, 2004.

Communications: Chairman Wiese stated that he had received a phone call from Team Engineering regarding not receiving payment for their services. Mr. Brenson explained the timing involved in getting vouchers paid.

Mr. Gaalswyk stated he had been contacted by the Town of Franklin Board requesting support regarding the final disposition of the Dennis Nachreiner property which is located in a floodway. The property is to be rezoned to exclusive ag., DNR is granted a fishing easement on both sides of Honey Creek, all the structures and septic systems to be removed and eventually the property is to be offered at sale to the public.

Mr. Brenson, County Cartographer, then appeared. He stated that his department had started mapping the last two townships and they hoped to complete this before December which will complete the digital mapping for the County. He was also working on getting the information on the County web site.

Mr. Kirk Contrucci, representing Ayres and Associates, was introduced. He gave an update on the aerial photography being proposed by Ayres and Associates. He distributed a Memorandum of Understanding proposed by Vernon County that would set up a consortium of 10 counties for the purpose of completing this photography. He explained the cost savings that could result in this type of arrangement. This arrangement would also guarantee a consistent data base. to share with adjoining counties. Mr. Gurney asked if county municipalities had been contacted to see if they were interested in this arrangement. Floodplain mapping was also discussed as was funding for the project. The Committee felt that Mr. Brenson should prepare a letter of intent and this should be reviewed by the Finance Committee as well as the Agriculture, Extension, Education and Land Conservation Committee.

Mr. Brenson also gave the County Surveyor's report. He informed the Committee that a summer limited term employee would be hired from land records and mapping funds to scan surveys.

Mr. Reggie Jaquish of Team Engineering appeared briefly and asked if the Committee had any questions of him. Mr. Brenson again explained the reason for late payment to Mr. Jaquish.

Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds appeared next. He stated that the volume of documents had gone up substantially. He hoped to have numbers as far as fees for the next meeting. He notified the Committee that he was going to be destroying old documents that had gone past their retention dates. The Soaring project and fee collecting methods were briefly discussed.

The Committee then reviewed the Register of Deeds vouchers. Motion by Ashford , seconded by Sprecher to approve payment in the amount of $4,788.17.
Motion carried.

Mr. Gurney and Mr. Brian Simmert, Planning and Zoning Planner, then explained the details of a citizen request for information that had been received in the Planning and Zoning Office. Mr. Simmert explained his procedure for handling rezoning requests. There apparently was some misunderstanding on the procedure to follow.

The last Badger meeting was then discussed. Mr. Gurney expressed frustration on the lack of progress that has been made. He stated that the group needed to figure out how to get the project moving again. He felt that less focus was needed on who owns what and more on the management of the property. Ms. Ashford said that the GSA was not taking a management roll.

The next item for discussion was the reclamation of the Kraemer's Narrows property. Kraemers planned to sell the property after the reclamation plan had been completed.

Mr. Gurney then distributed the 2003 annual report for the Planning and Zoning Office. The Committee briefly reviewed the permit information, Wisconsin Fund and pumping reports.

Mr. Gurney also distributed the Baraboo Range annual report. Property assessment was discussed.

Department staffing issues were then discussed. Mr. Gurney also discussed planning commitments. The Sauk County Farmland Preservation Program was discussed. Mr. Gurney stated that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Gene Wiegand.

Mr. Gaalswyk requested to be excused for the next meeting.

The Committee then reviewed the Vandewalle and Associates Highway 12 billing. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve payment to Vandewalle in the amount of $2,207.20.
Motion carried.

Discussion was then held on the WAPA conference. None of the Committee members were interested in attending. Mr. Gurney requested that up to 3 staff members be allowed to attend at different times. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Gaalsywk to approve up to three staff to attend the conference. Motion carried.

The next meeting was scheduled for May 25, 2004.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary