Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: June 8, 2004

Committee Members Present: Ashford, Sprecher, Gaalswyk, Lehman

Committee Member Absent: Wiese.

Others Present: Lance Gurney, Ted Brenson, Mary White, Brent Bailey and others.

Vice Chairman Lehman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.

Mr. Gurney stated that Mr. Robert Cassity had requested that discussion on item 9.b. be delayed until he could join the committee. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Gaalswyk to adopt the agenda with the delay in discussion on item 9.b.
Motion carried.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve the minutes from the May 25, 2004 Planning, Zoning and Land Records Committee meeting.
Motion carried.

Communications: Mr. Lehman had received a question regarding requirements for licensed privies. Mr. Lehman stated that he received a phone call regarding floodplain at Lake Redstone. Mr. Gurney said that the owner would be required to have an elevation survey done because the property was partially included on the FEMA map.

Business items - none.

Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, then appeared. He informed the Committee that a part time employee in his department was planning to retire. It was his intention, due to budget cuts, not to refill that position. He felt that this could be done with more use of on-line services. The on-line service access was nearing completion. He was still working on a couple of issues that needed to be handled. One item was developing a mask to prevent certain confidential information from being viewed and also the amount and way to charge for services. He planned to discuss the matter with the Corporation Counsel. He was going to attend a conference in the near future to find how other counties were handling on-line access. The use of credit cards was discussed.

Mr. Bailey presented one voucher for Committee approval. The charge was for document binders in the amount of $175.42. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve this voucher.
Motion carried.

Mr. Ted Brenson, County Cartographer, appeared next. He gave a brief report on department activities. He informed the Committee that there were still problems with the pay scale in his department. He was planning to start the paperwork for review again. He was considering creating a new position because the current job description did not fit the position duties. He expressed his frustration at the reclassification system. He stated that the Human Relations Committee had withheld their recommendations. Drafting a resolution was discussed.

Mr. Brenson stated the he had not completed the department mission, vision, goals and performance measures for the 2005 budget.

The next item for discussion was a resolution authorizing participation in the Southwest Wisconsin Digital Orthophotography County Consortium. Mr. Brenson reviewed the important points of the contract. This idea has been discussed for 3 years. Funds to be used and savings that would be realized by entering into a consortium were discussed. He also stated that cities and villages could also be included. There will be a meeting on June 21 with Ayres Associates making a presentation to explain the project. Mr. Brenson explained the savings that could be gotten by sharing the costs with other counties and municipalities. Mr. Brenson recommended that a letter of intent be drawn up stating that Sauk County would participate in the project in 2005 pending budget approvals. If the 2005 budget was not approved the County would be under no obligation. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Sprecher to approve the resolution authorizing the Sauk County Mapping Department to participate in the Southwest Wisconsin Digital Orthophotography Consortium.
Motion carried.

The County Surveyor was not available.

Mr. Lance Gurney, Planning and Zoning Director, appeared next. He informed the Committee that the number of permits and CSMs processed was ahead of last year. The 2nd draft for Reedsburg and Honey Creek development plans would be ready for public hearing in July or August with the plans going to the County Board in September.

Next Troy, Westfield and Freedom would be started with about one year to complete. Winfield and LaValle would be started later. The intern position in the Planning and Zoning Department was discussed. Mr. Gurney would like to farm out the demographical part of these projects to a student from Stevens Point. Ms. Ashford asked about the cost comparison. Mr. Gurney felt the cost would be less as the intern could do the work on campus.

Mr. Lehman asked what the status was of a proposed duplex in the Town of Westfield. Mr. Gurney stated that the owner had decided not to proceed.

The next subject for discussion was the Final Plat of the East Lake Virginia Estates subdivision. Mr. Gurney reminded the Committee that this was not a public hearing and that a public hearing was not required for final plat approval. The preliminary plat had been approved in January of 2003. The issue was whether the final plat complied with what was presented in the development plan. The original conditions of approval were reviewed. According to State Statutes 236.25, the developer had to submit the final plat for approval within 6 months of the original approval date. Since this was not done the original approval was null and void and the Committee would need to re-approve the plat. Mr. Gurney reviewed a memorandum to the Committee dated June 8, 2004.

Mr. Cassity appeared and encouraged the Committee to approve the plat in consideration of the 3 items as delineated on the June 8, 2004 memorandum. Discussion followed on the land management district approval.

Mr. Gurney stated that this project has been in the works for 4 years and the approval contingencies of the first approval had been addressed. Storm water facilities and water ways were discussed.

The Committee was asked by John Langhans if anyone looked at site after the last heavy rains. He stated that the lake management district is not against the development, they are just concerned about water runoff and sediment getting to the lake. Mr. Gaalswyk requested that anyone wishing to speak would please identify themselves first.

Ms. Marilyn Thiede, secretary for the lake management district, then spoke and explained concerns the district had. She stated that the final plat had not been given to the lake district committee. She also stated that the district had been promised they would have a chance to review plans for the retention ponds. Retention and detention ponds were discussed. The lake district wanted the plans to be reviewed by an aquatic biologist. They did not feel that Schluter Construction had addressed the problems. Heavy nutrient levels in the lake were discussed.

Mr. Gurney stated that the developer need not take care of problems that already existed in the lake. A farm could add more nutrients to the water than a residential area. Mr. Gurney stated that a county engineer, Jon Vosberg, had reviewed the plans. Alterations had been made to the original plans to insure run off protection. Mr. Gaalswyk asked the homes already existing on the lake were served by detentions ponds.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve the final plat subject to the June 8, 2004 memorandum. Mr. Schluter briefly addressed steps that had been taken to reduce run off. The Committee reviewed a map of the subdivision showing contours and Mr. Gurney explained water flow from different areas of the development. Mr. Schluter stated that the lots are very large and the developer was not trying to cut corners. Ownership of outlot 1 was briefly discussed.
The original motion was called and approved 4-0.

Mr. Dave Tremble, Land Preservation Specialist, appeared next to discuss the Sauk County Preservation Program. He gave a brief background on the program. He stated that staff was looking for direction from the Committee on how to proceed with this program. There are some Baraboo Range projects that would benefit from the preservation plan. Mr. Tremble said that the draft he presented was the same draft they had received in March of 2003. He requested that the Committee review it and bring it back in July for final review, with Committee approval in early August and then on to County Board at their August meeting. This plan does not obligate the County to anything, but does make it eligible for federal programs.

Mr. Lehman was concerned that more people be able to benefit and not just along the Highway 12 corridor. The sale of development rights, land use and building sites were discussed. Mr. Sprecher stated the Committee should proceed with this and suggested a fact sheet be worked out. Mr. Tremble said that this was a pilot program to demonstrate that there was a demand for the plan and that Sauk County had a process in place. The manner of accepting applications was discussed. It was suggested that possibly only one application be accepted from each town.

Discussion followed on how the program could be set up and what areas should be protected.

The Committee then discussed attending the WCA seminar in Wausau. Mr. Gurney requested that the Committee members let him know before June 18, 2004 if they were interested in attending.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to adjourn.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary