DATE: September 28 , 2004
PRESENT: Ashford, Gaalswyk, Lehman, and Wiese.
OTHERS PRESENT : Lance Gurney, Mary White, Brent Bailey, Ted Brenson, Lowell Haugen, Brian Simmert, Aaron Hartman and others.
Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Ashford to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2004 Committee meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Communications: Mr. Gurney stated that he had received numerous communications regarding the Sauk County Preservation Program, but nothing in writing.
Business items - none.
Mr. Ted Brenson, County Cartographer, then appeared. He stated that the mapping department has been working on GIS applications and internal intra net sites. A supervisor district map and voting district maps have been completed.
Mr. Brenson distributed his voucher list in the amount of $162.01. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve the mapping department's vouchers. Motion carried
The review and approval of vouchers were discussed.
Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, appeared next. He stated that they were recording approximately 100 documents a day. Real estate sales are slow. Subdivision sales and costs were discussed. Mr. Bailey presented his voucher list. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Ashford to approve the vouchers in the amount of $105.08. Motion carried.
Mr. Gurney requested that agenda item 9b be moved to later in the meeting and the Committee agreed to the change.
Mr. Gurney then appeared and gave a short monthly report. He stated that the second mailing of approximately 1200 maintenance verification forms had been sent out. Mr. Wiese asked if any of these reports came back stating that the system is failing. Mr. Gurney stated that very few, if any, come back with that determination.
Mr. Gurney stated that the department was working on the comprehensive plans for Westfield, Freedom and Troy. The plans for Reedsburg and Honey Creek were complete.
The next item for discussion was a request by Mr. Mark Pelton to begin work on a proposed subdivision. He requested to be allowed to grub out a portion of Grovers Pass Road and seed and mulch it. Motion by Gaalswyk to approve the cut in the hillside, an early start on Grover's Pass Road, seconded by Ashford. Motion carried.
Mr. Gurney presented the voucher list for the Planning and Zoning Office. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Lehman to approve the vouchers in the amount of $3,451.80. Motion carried.
Mr. Gurney reported that Consumers Co-op Oil Company in the Town of Prairie du Sac had an existing tower collapse and they constructed a new one without permits. This tower also needs Board of Adjustment approval. The department would be contacting them.
Chairman Wiese called at 9:40 A.M.
He gave the procedure to be followed for the hearing, introduced the Committee and the notice was read.
The first petition to be considered was Petition # 21-2004 and 22-2004 for approval of a development plan and preliminary plat for a subdivision referred to as Delton Woods in the Town of Delton by Peter Kolar, S5217 Kohlmeyer Road, North Freedom, WI 54591. The proposed subdivision is inclusive of 61 lots for single family residences and also includes additional outlots to be utilized as green space.
Mr. Brian Simmert, Planner with the Sauk County Planning and Zoning Department, appeared and noted that there were two separate petitions that would be reviewed. He gave a brief description and history of the project. He also reported the Department recommendation of postponement of Petition #21-2004 (Development Plan) until the applicant satisfactorily addresses all of the issues noted in the memo to Peter Kolar and dated September 23, 2004. The Department also recommended postponement of action on Petition #22-2004 (Preliminary Plat) subject to preliminary plat approval by the Town of Delton and verification that the plat has been submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Administration for plat review and further that any concerns noted in the September 23, 2004 memo be addressed.
Mr. Lehman asked about where this proposal is relative to the proposed Highway 12 location. This property is to the east of the proposed. Elevation lines on the preliminary plat were reviewed. The storm water management plan was discussed.
Mr. Lehman questioned drilling wells in opposition to cased wells.
Mr. Peter Kolar, property owner, the appeared. Mr. Lehman asked whether there would be any comments in the subdivision deed restrictions or covenants regarding an agricultural odor in the area. Mr. Kolar stated that he could add such a statement if the Committee wanted it.
Mr. Wiese questioned well depths and casing. Mr. Kolar stated that there were two aquifers in the area and they intended to tap into the bottom one. Mr. Kolar agreed to case the well through the first aquifer.
Mr. Larry Volz, representing the Town of Delton, appeared next. Access easements, emergency vehicles and storm water management were discussed. The right to continue farming in the area was also discussed. Mr. Volz stated that the request will be reviewed by the Town on October 4, 2004. Mr. Lehman questioned non-authorized use of the emergency access.
Ms. Ashford questioned the number of homes in the development with only one way out. Mr. Gaalswyk stated the Town needed to approve it first before the County should take action.
Mrs. Donald Gattshall registered in favor, but did not wish to speak.
Mr. Roman Statz appeared next. He stated that there were subdivisions on three sides of this development and the town wanted to consolidate uses. Soils for septic systems were discussed. Mr. Statz questioned the size of the storm water area. He didn't think that there would be that much water coming down in this area.
Mr. Tom Pinion, from MSA, then appeared in favor. Emergency access easements and the size of the storm water management area were discussed.. Mr. Pinion stated that the Fire Department serving the area didn't feel this is any more of a risk than any other area in the town.
Wells were discussed again.
Mr. Patrick Gleash appeared as interest may appear. He stated that his major concern was for fire because it is located in a pine plantation.
Mr. Lance Gurney, Planning and Zoning Director, appeared as interest may appear. He stated that there were wetlands in the area which prevented the use of Rosey Lane as an access. The Township would be having a meeting on Monday, October 4th and because there were some issues with the covenants and the storm water plan the town may not have a decision at that time.
Seeing no one else wished to speak the public portion of the hearing was closed at 10:30 A.M.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to postpone a decision on Petition 21-2004 and Petition 22-2004 until the requirements as listed in item #4 Recommendation of the Planning and Zoning staff report are met. Mr. Lehman wanted a statement regarding continued farming. Motion carried.
The next public hearing was Petition # 24-2004 to approve the Town of Honey Creek's Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Wisconsin's Comprehensive Planning Legislation and more specifically defined in Section 66.1001 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. Following a public hearing held by the Town of Honey Creek Town Board, the Town Board of the Town of Honey Creek did pass an Ordinance adopting the Town of Honey Creek Comprehensive Plan on August 10, 2004 at their regularly scheduled Town Board meeting.
Mr. Brian Simmert, Planning and Zoning Planner, appeared and described the months of work on the Honey Creek Comprehensive Plan.. This plan meets State requirements. Density policy was reviewed as was PUD clustering and housing placement. Mr. Simmert distributed a letter from Mr. Michael Cody in favor of the plan.
Mr. Marcus Wenzel, Town of Honey Creek Chair, appeared in favor. Mr. Wenzel stated that Brian Simmert and the diversified committee did a good job. He could see other townships using Honey Creek's plan as a model. Mr. Gaalswyk stated he was disappointed in the failure of the Sauk County Preservation Program with the County Board.
Seeing no one else wished to speak Chairman Wiese closed the public portion of the hearing.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Lehman to approve the Honey Creek Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried.
The next petition to be heard was # 25-2004 a request to approve the Town of Reedsburg's Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Wisconsin's Comprehensive Planning Legislation and more specifically defined in Section 66.1001 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. Following a public hearing held by the Town of Reedsburg Town Board, the Town Board of the Town of Reedsburg did pass an Ordinance adopting the Town of Reedsburg Comprehensive Plan on September 13, 2004 at their regularly scheduled Town Board meeting.
Mr. Lance Gurney, Planning and Zoning Director, appeared. Mr. Gurney stated that he had worked closely with the Reedsburg committee which consisted of 25 people with 18 actively participating. He briefly described how the study was done and stated that this was a very public process.
There was some discussion regarding individual copies of the plans being returned to the towns after the county board meeting.
Ms. Linda Borleske appeared representing the Town of Reedsburg and plan commission which was a very diverse group. She also described the work done to complete the plan and requested approval.
Seeing that no one else wished to speak the Chairman closed the public portion of the hearing at 11:10 A.M..
Motion by Lehamn, seconded by Ashford to approve the Town of Reedsburg Comprehensive Plan as presented. Motion carried.
Mr. Gurney then distributed copies of amendments to Chapter 7, Sauk County Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 22 the Land Division and Subdivision Regulations. The Sauk County Corporation Counsel felt this last draft was an improvement on earlier amendments.
Mr. Gurney briefly reviewed the suggested changes to Chapter 7. Ms. Ashford was interested in the timeline for these amendments. Mr. Gurney stated that this could be scheduled for public hearing in December with County Board approval in January or February.
Amendments to the Land Division Ordinance were then reviewed. Mr. Gurney suggested holding informational meetings starting in October and November.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Ashford, Secretary