Transportation and Parks Committee
- Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje.
- Present: Hartje, Schmitz, Meister, and Sprecher.
- Absent: Stevens
- Also present: Muchow, Carignan, Koenig, Edwin Bodendein, Dennis Plantenberg - Town
of La Valle, Peggy Holcomb - Accounting, Bob Riutta - Koch Pavement Solutions, Greg,
Roth - Fabco, Ken Rolefson - Ayres Assoc.
- Adopt Agenda.
- Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher.
- Motion carried.
- Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting.
- Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister.
- Motion carried.
- Public Comment.
- Communications.
- WisDOT announced it will be closing 50 waysides statewide and that the STH 23 wayside
near Reedsburg may be adopted by Sauk County.
Muchow stated that due to the severe frost this winter, weight restrictions will be posted on
County highways this Spring.
- DOT announced it's plan for the USH 12 improvement in Sauk County scheduled to begin
in 2008-2009. Initially, a 2 lane expressway will be constructed off alignment from Moon
Road to Terrytown Road. 2015-2020 is when improvements are scheduled through Sauk
City. Discussion followed.
- Review and Approve Vendor Vouchers.
- Discussion followed. Motion by Sprecher,
seconded by Schmitz to approve January 2004 bills in the amount of $ 102,413.59 and December 2003 bills in the amount of $ 15,258.48.
- Motion carried.
- Review and Approve Employee Requests For Vacation Carryovers.
- Duane Alt - 16 hours Dean Darling - 70 hours
- Tom Sliter - 98 hours
- Motion by Meister, seconded by Schmitz to approve vacation carryovers.
- Motion carried.
- Airport Report.
- Discussion followed.
- Mr. Schmitz stated that the airports new hanger is
full and that they will be looking to construct a new hanger next year.
- No action.
- Discuss White Mound Park Dredging Project.
- See Attached for Minutes of Joint Meeting of the Sauk County Transportation and Parks
Committee and Land Conservation Committee.
- Sign Contract for Construction Agreement with WISDOT for Home Demolition STH 113
- Discussion followed.
- The contract approves $30,000.00 in funding for the
Highway Department to raze two houses at the North Shore Ferry Landing in Merrimac.
- Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister to approve contract.
- Motion carried.
- Sign WISDOT Routine Maintenance Agreement for 2004.
- Motion by Meister, seconded by
Sprecher to approve 2004 WISDOT Routine Maintenance Agreement.
Motion carried.
- Discuss Proposed Highway Marking Contract with WISDOT.
- Discussion followed.
is selling their highway pavement painting equipment. The equipment was offered to two
other counties first. Muchow stated that if they are not interested, Sauk County would be.
- No action.
- Review and Approve Purchase of Patrol Superintendent and Commissioner Vehicles with
State of Wisconsin Bid Program.
- Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister to approve the
purchase of a vehicle for the Patrol Superintendent in the amount of $ 19,273.00 and a
vehicle for the Commissioner in the amount of $ 24,648.00 with the Wisconsin Bid
- Motion carried.
- Discuss Proposed Job Vacancies, Promotions, and Layoffs.
- Discussion followed.
- Motion
by Sprecher, seconded by Schmitz to approve the Department to promote internally as per the Sauk County Code of Ordinances - noncompetitive promotions.
- Motion carried.
- Discuss Proposed Road Construction Projects for 2004.
- Discussion followed.
- CTH S - Current structure to be replaced with timber bridge.
- Seal coating scheduled for various County Highways, approximately 20 - 30 miles.
- No action.
- Discuss Proposed Equipment Purchases for 2004.
- Discussion followed.
- Replace John Deere loader
- Trade off 2 older graders for 1 new one.
- Trade in 2 patrol trucks for 2 tandems.
- Update 2 quad axle trucks.
- No single axle patrol trucks will be purchased in 2004.
- Discuss Fireproofing of File Room at West Baraboo Highway Office.
- Discussion followed.
- Drywall & fireproof doors were discussed.
- No action.
- Presentation by Fabco Representative on Caterpillar Equipment Governmental Buy-Back
- Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to trade units #46 and #61 for one new
CAT 140H from Fabco Equipment for an outright price of $ 164,816.00. Net price after
trade is $ 18,816.00.
- Motion carried.
- Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister to trade unit #66 for one new
tractor/loader/backhoe from Fabco Equipment for an outright price of $ 75,900.00. Net
price after trade is $ 20,900.00.
- Motion carried.
- * Review and Approve Resolution Petitioning the Secretary of Transportation for Airport
Improvement Aid.
- Peggy Holcomb explained details of the resolution.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to approve Resolution Petitioning the Secretary
of Transportation for Airport Improvement Aid.
- Motion carried.
- Motion by Schmitz, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled
meeting set for Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
- Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: John Schmitz,
Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee
- Approve Vouchers.
- Discussion followed.
- Motion by Meister, seconded by Schmitz to
approve January 2004 bills in the amount of $12,715.00.
- Motion carried.
- Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Town of La Valle for Entrance Fee Program.
- Discussion followed. Previous agreement expired on October 15, 2003. Ed Bodendein
requested payments to be on a percentage basis.
- Corporation Counsel will draft new
agreement. Motion by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to continue Entrance Fee Program in
2004, beginning with signed contract and effective until 12/31/04.
- Motion carried.
- Discuss House Septic.
- Discussion followed. Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to
solicit bids for installing a septic system at the White Mound Park house.
- Motion carried.
- Discuss County Land in Town of Dellona. Discussion followed.
- Approve Koenig attending WPRA Spring Workshop. Per request of Koenig, he will not
- No action.
- Motion by Schmitz, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled
meeting set for Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
- Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: John Schmitz,
cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee