Transportation and Parks Committee

DATE: May 6, 2004


  1. Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje. Present: Hartje, Sinklair, Meister, Stevens, and Sprecher.

    Absent: None

    Also present: Muchow, Carignan, Koenig, Mark Gorsuch - Gordon Flesch Company, Inc.; Cory Olson, Jeff Singer - Lanier Worldwide, Inc.; Hogan Hughey - Rhyme Business Products; Jeff Gruebling - Madison Mack Sales; Russ Hunt - Capital City International,Inc.

  2. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sprecher.
    Motion carried.
  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting.
    Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher.
    Motion carried.
  4. Election of Committee Officers.

    Nomination for Committee Chairperson:

    Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to nominate Supervisor Hartje.
    Motion carried.

    Results of vote: Supervisor Hartje elected unanimously.

    Nomination for Committee Vice-Chairperson:

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Sinklair to elect Supervisor Meister.
    Motion carried.

    Results of vote: Supervisor Meister elected unanimously.

    Nomination for Committee Secretary:

    Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to elect Supervisor Sprecher.
    Motion carried.

    Results of vote: Supervisor Sprecher elected unanimously.

  5. Public Comment.


  6. Communications.

    Parks - request from Cardinal Glass to rent entire Campground for a weekend. Committee approved request.

    Highway Department - 4 day/10 hour days to start June 7.

    Pink Lady Rail Transit commending Liz Nevers for her service.

    DOT is requesting counties to submit a bid for deer contract pickups on State highways.

    No action.

  7. Review and Approve Vendor Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sprecher to approve April 2004 bills in the amount of $ 147,316.15 .
    Motion carried.
  8. Review and Approve Employee Requests For Vacation Carryovers.

    Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to approve vacation carryovers.
    Motion carried.

  9. Airport Report. Discussion followed. Don Stevens is representative for Tri-County Airport.

    No action.

  10. Discuss White Mound Park Dredging Project. Discussion followed. On Thursday,

    May 27, 2004 @ 1:00 p.m. Lake Rededication at White Mound Park.

  11. Review and Approve Purchase of Quad Axle Trucks.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Stevens to approve purchase of two (2) 66,000 Quad Axle Trucks and award Capital City International, Inc. the bid for the two (2) 66,000 GVW Quad Axle Trucks in the amount of $ 20,382.00 .
    Motion carried.

  12. Discuss Number of Skilled Operator Positions for Highway Department Operations. Discussion followed.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Sinklair to approve Resolution authorizing Department to create two, full-time (2.00 FTE) Skilled Equipment Operator positions and eliminate two, full-time (2.00 FTE) Patrolman Helper positions, outside the 2004 Budget process.
    Motion carried.

  13. Discuss Road Inspection Tour County Trunk Highways. Discussion followed. Road Inspection Tour scheduled for Friday, June 4, Longleys Restaurant @ 7:00 a.m.
  14. Discuss WCHA Summer Highway Conference. Discussion followed.
  15. Review and Approve Purchase of Office Copy Machine. Discussion followed.

    Three (3) quotations were received.

    Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to approve the purchase of an Office Copy Machine from Lanier Worldwide, Inc. in the amount of $ 3,081.00 .
    Motion carried.

  16. Review and Approve Discretionary Maintenance Agreement with WISDOT for Asphaltic Highway Repairs. Discussion followed.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Stevens to approve Discretionary Maintenance Agreement with WISDOT for Asphaltic Highway Repairs.
    Motion carried.

    Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Friday, June 4, 2004 at 7:00 a.m. at Longley's Restaurant.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher, Secretary

Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee



  1. Approve Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sprecher to approve April 2004 bills in the amount of $ 3,437.24 . Motion carried.
  2. Discuss County Forest Property. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of selling County Forest property for the use of creating a Solid Waste Transfer Station was discussed. If Committees agree, land (15 acres) will be sold at appraised value. No action.
  3. Discuss Nachreiner Building Disposal. Discussion followed.
    Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to let the LCC award the Nachreiner Building disposal project.
    Motion carried.

    Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Friday, June 4, 2004 at 7:00 a.m. at Longley's Restaurant.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher Secretary