DATE: August 11, 2004
1. Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje. Present: Hartje, Sinklair, Meister, and Stevens.
Absent: Sprecher
Also present: Muchow, Carignan, Koenig, Tom Boguszewski - Earth Tech; Lowel Haugen, Andrea Lombard - Solid Waste Committee; Virgil Casper, Larry Volz - Wisc. River Rail Transit Commission; Bill Jaqiush; Marc Higgs - Tri-County Airport; Bill Meyer - Airport-Reedsburg; Jim Kazmikiczak - Airport-Sauk/Prairie; Michael Olah - Airport-Baraboo/Dells; Ron Fingerhut; Daryl Slama - Cazanovia Fire Chief; Sheryl Albers - Wisconsin State Assembly; Chip Meister - Sauk Co. Sheriff's Dept.
2. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sinklair.
Motion carried.
3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sinklair.
Motion carried.
4. Public Comment.
Bill Jaquish expressed safety concerns and would like double yellow lines painted on CTH B. Muchow will look at painting double yellow lines or placing larger signs in the area.
No action.
Ron Fingerhut had previously exchanged 25,000 c.y. of fill for other work during the CTH B reconstruction project. He would now like the Department to participate in the $15,000 it cost him to stockpile the material to prepare it for roadside use. Discussion followed.
No action.
Sheryl Albers expressed concern regarding Manville Corner on STH 58. Albers stated that the nature of this corner promotes many injury accidents there. She also stated that if she had the Committee's support, she could pursue DOT funding for an engineering study of the corner. The Committee's consensus was to support Albers' pursuit of the study to determine the cause of the numerous accidents at this location and possible correction of the problem.
No action.
5. Communications.
6. Review and Approve Vendor Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sinklair to approve July 2004 bills in the amount of $ 202,983.92 .
Motion carried.
7. Review and Approve Employee Requests For Vacation Carryovers.
8. Airport Report. Discussion followed.
No action.
9. Discuss Sauk County Landfill Operations with Sauk County Landfill Committee. Discussion followed. The Highway Department is willing to supply relief operators to the Landfill unless a snow storm or like event would make the Department's operators unavailable. Haugen will work with Muchow to resolve the situation.
10. Discuss CTH DL STP Rural Road Construction Project Plan Design. Discussion followed. The Highway Department will need to hire a consultant for the CTH DL Project. The Committee will review the prospective firms in September.
No action.
11. Review and Approve Proposed 2005 Sauk County Highway Department Budget. Discussion followed. The Highway Department is proposing an overall decrease in levy dollars from 2004 of $26,247.00, a 0.8% decrease.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to Approve Proposed 2005 Sauk County Highway Department Budget as presented.
Motion carried.
12. Review and Approve Airport's 2005 Budget Requests for Recommendation to the Finance Committee. Discussion followed.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sinklair to approve the Tri-County Airport budget as presented.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hartje, seconded by Meister to approve and recommend to the Finance Committee a budget request of $3,500.00 for each of the Reedsburg, Baraboo, and Sauk-Prairie Airports.
Motion carried.
13. Discuss Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission 2005 Budget Requests. Discussion followed. Larry Volz requested $18,210.35 for the 2005 budget to cover the 1st Phase of the Slinger to Hartford reconstruction project. This request would cover Sauk County's share of the project.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to approve $18,210.35 for 2005 Budget.
Motion carried.
14. Review and Approve Resolution Opposing Waivers for Aerobatic Flight Above the Tri-County Airport. Discussion followed.
Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Meister to Approve Resolution Opposing Waivers for Aerobatic Flight Above the Tri-County Airport.
Motion carried.
15. Discuss 2004 CTH Road Construction Program. Discussion followed.
No action.
16. Representative from Earth Tech Engineering Company to Discuss Qualifications for Designing Road and Bridge Projects. Tom Boguszewski presented Earth Tech Engineering for consideration on upcoming projects.
No action.
17. Review and Approve 2005 Bridge Aid Petitions.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to Approve 2005 Bridge Aid Petitions.
Motion carried.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sinklair to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, September 8, 2004 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted:
Halsey Sprecher
Cc: County Clerk
Steve Koenig
Parks Department
1. Approve Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Hartje to approve July 2004 bills in the amount of $ 12,888.45 . Motion carried.
2. Approve 2005 Parks Budget. Discussion followed.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to Approve 2005 Parks Budget as presented.
Motion carried.
3. Discuss Hemlock Dam Repairs. Discussion followed. Outlet tube needs replacement per Dam Inspection Report.
No action.
4. Discuss Entrance Fee Policy. Discussion followed. Parks will change procedure and notify delinquents directly to collect entrance fees. If they still fail to pay, citation will be issued for $150.00 with no plea bargaining.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sinklair to approve new procedure.
Motion carried.
5. Discuss Campground Policy. Discussion followed. Koenig questioned whether or not he could revoke camping privileges indefinitely for problem campers. Committee approved this authority. Advised to talk to Corp. Counsel.
No action.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sinklair to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, September 8, 2004 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department Office. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted:
Halsey Sprecher Secretary
cc: County Clerk
Steve Koenig
Steve Koenig