Date: December 8, 2004
Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje. Present: Hartje, Sprecher, Meister, Sinklair, and Stevens.
Absent: None.
Also present: Muchow, Carignan, Koenig, Joe VanBerkel - LCD, Phil Raab - EMBS, Chad Hende - Corp. Counsel, Joe Joyce - Friends of Sauk Co. Parks, Chris Blum - SEH, Dave Krekowski - Omnni, Ken Rolefson - Ayres Assoc., Greg Jewel, Kirk Nelson, Don Greenwood - Jewel, Greg Roth - Fabco, Dave Lambert - Westbrook.
Gary Merrell - 118.50 hours Gerald VonBehren - 67.50 hours
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to approve vacation carryovers.
Motion carried.
No Action.
Representatives from the following firms presented themselves for project consideration: Omnni Associates, Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc., Ayres Associates, Jewel Associates, and Westbrook.
Motion by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to approve Jewel Associates for first consideration for the Design Consultant of CTH V Baraboo River Bridge. Second and Third consideration went to Westbrook and MSA respectively.
Motion carried.
No Action.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to approve Resolution Petitioning the Wisconsin Secretary of Transportation for Airport Improvement Aid by the Tri-County Airport Commission.
Motion carried.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sprecher to approve Resolution Entering Into Option Contract for Purchase of Real Estate with Northern Natural Gas Company.
Motion carried.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to approve purchase of replacement truck radios.
Motion carried.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher, Secretary
Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee
Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Meister to approve Lease Agreement with the Sauk County Historical Society. Motion carried.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sinklair to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department Office.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher Secretary
cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee