Thursday, October 14, 2004
9:00 A.M.
Baraboo/Sauk County UW Campus, Lange Center Executive Dining Room, Baraboo, WI
Members Present: Wedekind, Mielke, Geimer, Davis, Lombard, Haugen, Brophy, Griffith, Giese, and Janke.
Members Absent: Haugen
Others Present: T. Martin, C. Farmer, B. Duckworth and A. Langeteig
Chairperson Wedekind called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.
Due to time constraints, Chairperson Wedekind asked the Commission's consideration in moving the Dean's report to one of the first items for presentation at today's meeting. He also recommended removing item #8, "Discussion of by-laws and lease" from the agenda and placing it as a closed session item on the November meeting agenda. Motion by Will, seconded by Geimer to approve the agenda for today's meeting, with the foregoing amendments. Motion carried.
Motion by Geimer, seconded by Giese to approve the minutes of the September 23, 2004 meeting, as mailed. Motion carried.
Dean's Report:
Dean Brophy presented the UW Baraboo/Sauk County Strategic Plan and introduced the following guests: Tom Martin, Assistant Dean for Student Services; Claudine Farmer, Student Government Vice-president, Bruce Duckworth, Professor of the Business Board; and Alan Langeteig, member of the Community Advisory Board. A question and answer period followed the presentation.
Financial Report:
A financial report was distributed by the City Clerk, which covered the period 1/1/04 to 10/31/04 and indicated an unencumbered balance of $96,729.05.
Maintenance Report and Approval of Bills:
R. Griffith presented the monthly maintenance report and list of bills. Motion by Lombard, seconded by Will to approve the list as presented in the amount of $331.83. Motion carried. A short discussion on fire and tornado safety as well as planned fire drills on campus took place.
Discussion items:
In response to an inquiry at last month's meeting, a memorandum was distributed from Sauk County Todd Liebman addressing the division of responsibilities and issues related to maintenance and remodeling costs. Attorney Liebman noted the course of conduct that has occurred over a reasonably long duration would assume that the division of responsibilites that has occurred over time is an accurate expression of the intention of the parties. Dean Bropy state the campus is satisfied with the letter but further indicated if a particular project causes undue stress on the campus staff, the issue will be brought to the Campus Commission to address.
Dean Brophy asked for reconsideration on a previous request which dealt with changing the fence at the tennis court. There are problems with the current layout and fencing at the court which could prove problematic; given the campus intends to host matches there next Spring. Griffith estimated the cost to be around $3,000.00 and would involve the placement of new poles and installing a new section of fence on one side of the court. He urged the work be completed prior to a hard ground frost occurring. Discussion followed with regard to handicapped access to the tennis court. C. Davis will investigate the matter and contact Chairperson Wedekind in order that the item may be placed on next month's agenda.
Motion by Mielke, seconded by Lombard to adjourn and set the next regular meeting date for Thursday, November 18, 2004 at 9:00a.m. in the Executive Dining Room of the Lange Center.
Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:00a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Beverly J. Mielke, Secretary
Motion by Will, seconded by Geimer to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2004 meeting, as mailed. Motion carried.
Ed Geick, new Baraboo City Administrator, was a guest at the meeting and introduced to the Commission members.
A financial report was distributed by the City Clerk, which covered the period 1/1/04 to 8/31/04 and indicated a remaining budget balance of $109,179.39.
R. Griffith presented the maintenance report and list of bills for the past month. Motion by Lombard, seconded by Will to approve the list as presented in the amount of $3,776.12.
Motion carried.
Dean Brophy's report covered the following areas:
Changes at the UW: Six new faculty and one administration position have been added at the Baraboo Campus.
Fall Enrollment: Fall enrollment is strong, having currently reached 93% of the enrollment goal.
Summer Activities: Summer months have been busy, as the use of Campus facilities by outside groups has doubled.
Cable TV: Agreement document with partners is in draft format, additional meeting with Charter representatives will follow for final negotiations.
Master Planning: Carolyn Davis presented a report entitled, "UW-Baraboo/Sauk County Master Planning Overview". The report recommended hiring an outside firm (at an estimated cost of $50,000.00) to create the plan, which would serve as a guide in updating and maintaining buildings (including issues related to a Residence Hall), meet the demands of higher education and maintain competitiveness with other colleges, and coordinate long-term demands of students and the community. Considerable discussion followed.
Draft copies of the 2005 budget were distributed and reviewed in detail with Commission members. The budget included a line item for master planning in the amount of $25,000.00 as well as the use of a like amount of 2004 estimated remaining budget monies for this purpose.
Chair Wedekind noted both he and County Board Chair Wenzel, along with other interested individuals, were invited by the Dean and attended a meeting on Campus recently to discuss issues related to master planning, budgeting and construction of a Residence Hall. Some Commission members expressed concern over not being made aware of this meeting and also stated they would have appreciated receiving a draft copy of the budget prior to the meeting in order to have sufficient time for review. The Dean noted exclusion from the aforementioned meeting was not intentional and indicated he will attempt to furnish specific information dealing with upcoming agenda items to Commission members in the future.
A lengthy discussion of capital outlay budget items took place, specifically dealing with the inclusion of master planning expenses. A majority of Commission members questioned the need to hire an outside agency to create a master plan. Chair Wedekind reminded Commission members of the eventual need to replace the heating system boiler and indicated a preference to obtain an estimate for the theater carpeting/lighting project and, if feasible, to complete said work this year, along with black topping of the parking lot. Dean Brophy agreed to withdraw the $25,000.00 request for master planning and indicated he would attempt to create a plan in-house, with the assistance of students, staff, and the Campus Commission.
Motion was made by Will, seconded by Giese to submit a total budget request for 2005 in the amount of $150,000.00 to both the City and County, plus a special capital request in a like amount for the purchase of four hot water boiler packs. In the event the special capital request is denied, any money remaining from the 2004 budget shall be placed in a non-lapsing fund specifically designated for boiler repair. Roll call vote was taken on the motion with the following results: AYE: (6) Wedekind, Giese, Geimer, Mielke, Will, and Haugen. NAYE: (0). ABSENT: (1) Lombard.
Motion carried.
Commission member Geimer inquired why a commemorative plaque naming the cafeteria in honor of former Chair Joe Wankerl had not been installed. Dean Brophy stated he would look into the matter and assured an appropriate plaque would be placed in the cafeteria.
It was noted there has been some erosion of the fire lane located on Campus property. The City will be contacted to furnish fill to repair the lane damage.
Motion by Mielke, seconded by Will to adjourn and set the next, regular meeting date for Thursday, September 23, 2004 at 9:00 A.M. in the Executive Dining Room of the Lange Center. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 A.M.
Respectfully submitted: Beverly J. Mielke, Secretary