BRAT Consortium

Name of Meeting: BRAT Public Health Commission Meeting

Facilitator: Susan Lorenz

Date of Meeting: October 26th, 2005

Recorder: Melissa Delmore

Attend: Barb Theis, Susan Lorenz, Sue McCartney, Linda McFarlin, Chris Saloun, Laura Simonds, Anna Weber, Michele Wolff, Judy Bass, Melissa Delmore and Jessica Nall

Meeting called to order by Lorenz and verification of Open Meeting Law was noted.

Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Theis seconded by McCartney to approve the agenda.
Motion carried.

Approval of the September 28th minutes: Moved by McFarlin seconded by McCartney to approve the minutes.
Motion carried.

Topic Major Points Discussed Resolution and Actions Required Assigned to Due Date
Topic Major Points Discussed Resolution and Actions Required Assigned to Due Date
Budget 2005 Budget:
  • A copy of the 2005 year to date was faxed prior to the meeting.
  • Konkel hoping to have more of a solid carry over amount after she pays October bills.
Konkel to update Commission regarding the projected carry over Konkel November 23rd, 2005
EPI Report Future Meetings:
  • Epi group met and discussed the future meetings.
  • The meeting will rotate thru each of the 5 counties.
  • The host of the meeting will facilitate the meeting.
  • The previous host will take the minutes and present the Epi report at that months Commission meeting.
  • Decision was made that the Epi report will be 3rd item on the agenda starting in November.
2005 Objective report:
  • Delmore advised that the Epi objectives are close to being complete.
  • Delmore requested the group to have their narrative portions to her by the 2nd week in November.
  • The EPI group is also working on the media message objective for theConsortium.
  • Each County will forward their evidence to Delmore, she will write the summary.
  • Sauk County: Family disaster plan and shelter and place handout at to 3rd graders at Rural Safety days in May.
  • Columbia County: Shelter and Place working with the Amish.
  • Juneau County: Masters of Disasters program.
  • Marquette County: Developed a Daycare Emergency Plan and Shelter and Place working with the Amish.
  • Adams County: Family disaster plan and shelter and place handouts were distributed to the schools during Conservation Days in May.
Group requested Weber to forward a copy of her Daycare Emergency Plan. Weber will save it to a disk and send it to all. Weber
Meeting with Herb Bostrom:
  • Theis and Bass reported on the meeting with Herb Bostrom, Meg Taylor and Mary Young.
  • Bostrom is in support of the Epi capacity that Consortium #6 has, and would like it to continue.
  • Bostrom sees the Epi group further ahead then others in the state.
General Discussion:
  • Group requested a monthly update summary from Delmore after Program Coordinators meeting.
  • McFarlin requested assistance from the Consortium staff regarding the status of her plans and objectives. Delmore advised she has set up times in each county to meet. McFarlin will confer with Delmore to set up a time to visit Adams County.
  • Theis and Delmore reported on the Communications Seminar that they attended.
  • Delmore advised she has contacted or left messages for each County EM to follow up on the MOU with HAM radio group. For the most part each county already has a MOU set up through the Emergency Management office.
  • Theis reported that the expert panel is researching portable satellite phones.
  • Health Officers should discuss with their county EM regarding having a communications plan the Public Health is a part of.
  • Request to add County initiative to the meetings to discuss and share what other counties have developed and are doing.

Delmore will forward a summary and minutes after her Training Coordinators and Program Coordinators meetings.

Delmore will add the county initiative in with the county sharing on the agenda.





Next Meeting:

November 23rd, 2005

December 21st, 2005

Motion by Theis seconded by McCartney to adjourn. Motion carried.