Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation Agenda

DATE: Wednesday, May 18, 2005

TIME: 4:30 P.M.

PLACE: Kraemer Public Library Community Room

910 Main Street

Plain, Wisconsin



Prior to the meeting at the Kraemer Public Library, the committee will tour the Old Town Hall, 915 Wachter Avenue, (Corner of Cedar and Wachter (Hwy 23)) in Plain, beginning at 4:00 p.m.. The Old Town Hall is the museum for the Plain Area Historical Society.

  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Public Comments and Concerns.
  5. Communications and Reports.
  6. Discussion and consideration of a request for funding for activities in relation to the Center for Creativity and Innovation. Spring Green Area Arts Coalition presenting.
  7. Consideration of membership in the Wisconsin Historical Society ($65).
  8. Updates:
  9. Approval of Vouchers
  10. Next Meeting Date - June 10, 2005; 1:00 p.m., location to be determined.
  11. Adjourn.


    County Clerk Carlson White Netzinger Tollaksen
    Web Liaison Ashford Sorg Huber Shrake
    Wolter Schmid McCoy Stich Dewel

    DATE NOTICE MAILED: May 9, 2005

    PREPARED BY: Office of Administrative Coordinator

    Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact Sauk County (608-355-3269 or TTY 608-355-3490) between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, exclusive of legal holidays, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request.