Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation Agenda
DATE: Friday, October 14, 2005
TIME: 1:00pm
Spring Green Community Library
230 East Monroe
Spring Green, Wisconsin
- Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting
- Adopt Agenda
- Approval of Minutes from previous meeting.
- Public Comments and Concerns.
- Communications and Reports.
- Update by Eva Cry on local Historical Society.
- Discussion and consideration of a request for funding for
activities in relation to the Center for Creativity and Innovation.
- Consideration of a proclamation proclaiming October, Arts
and Humanities month.
- Discussion and consideration of underwriting costs associated
with listing Sauk Craft fairs on state site.
- Updates:
- Review and consideration of requests for artist registry.
- County courthouse
- Archiving and inventory of county historic documents.
- Humanities Speakers
- Historic Preservation Month - May.
- Cultural Resources Directory
- Approval of Vouchers
- Next
Meeting Date -November 11, 2005; 1:00 p.m., River Arts Center,
Sauk City.
- Adjourn.
COPIES TO: County Clerk, Carlson, White, Netzinger,
Tollaksen, Webliaison, Ashford, Huber, Shrake, Wolter,
Schmid, McCoy, Stich, Dewel, Media
DATE NOTICE MAILED: October 4, 2005
PREPARED BY: Office of Administrative Coordinator