DATE: July 8, 2005
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:45 p.m. by Art Carlson.
Members present: Arthur Carlson, Rose White, Peter Tollaksen, Judy Ashford, Lola Huber, Henry Netzinger
Members excused: None
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Allan and Nancy Schmid, Robert Tarrell, Laura Netzinger, Anne Tollaksen, Daryl Hanold, Media
The agenda was approved on a motion by Tollaksen, second by Netzinger, and a unanimous vote of the Committee. The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by White, second by Ashford, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
Thank you from Great Circus Parade for grant award.
Letter regarding Circus Celebration at the Wisconsin State Fair.
Consideration of a resolution including the Usonian Inn, Spring Green on the Sauk County registry of Historic Properties. Motion by Ashford, second by Tollaksen to include the Usonian Inn on the Sauk County Registry of Historic Properties. Motion carried.
Consideration of serving as a host organization for a regional meeting for 2005 - 2006. Motion by Carlson, second by Netzinger to express interest as serving as a host organization for regional meetings of ArtsWisconsin.
Discussion of replacement for unexpired term of committee member Carol Sorg, term expires December 31, 2006. Possible replacements were discussed. K. Schauf will contact possible replacements to ascertain interest and report at the August meeting.
Formulation of 2006 budget request. Draft budget will be formulated and presented at the next meeting keeping request to within 3 - 4%.
Consideration of per diems and mileage for committee members. Motion by Ashford, second by White to approve per diem and mileage payments for citizen members of the Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee. Motion carried. This change will be reflected in the 2006 budget request with the appropriate per diem, and mileage.
Appointment of Judy Ashford to the Courthouse Committee to replace
Carol Sorg. Motion by Tollaksen, second by Netzinger to approve
the appointment of Ashford to the Courthouse Committee.
Motion carried.
Humanities presentations, increasing participation.Recommendations for increasing participation at humanities related events included:
Artist Registry - No new applications to consider.
County Courthouse - The subcommittee reported on current events being planned.
Humanities Speakers - Speakers have been confirmed.
Historic Preservation Month - Display at the Sauk County Fairgrounds. Display will be made available to Sauk County libraries. Schedule to be determined.
Cultural Resources Directory - Members have been identified and work begun on content. December draft is being anticipated.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Ashford to approve the payment of vouchers
in the amount of $5,000.00.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned on a motion by Ashford, seconded by Tollaksen, with a unanimous committee vote. Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. On August 19, 2005, at the Reedsburg Chamber of Commerce, Reedsburg, Wisconsin.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary