Baraboo Range Commission Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the May 25, 2005 Baraboo Range Commission Meeting

The Baraboo Range Commission met in a regular session at 8:30 AM, May 25, 2005 at the Sauk County West Square Building in Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Members present: Ashford, Beard, Hartmann, Kowalke, Statz, Steinhorst, Turnquist and Wenzel. Also present: Dave Tremble, Sauk County Planning and Zoning, Stephanie Brouwer, WDNR, Rodney Walter and Linda Bormann, TNC, and Audrey Parker.

Chairperson Ashford brought the meeting to order at 8:35 AM., and asked members to review the meeting agenda. Motion to adopt the agenda as presented by Hartmann, second by Turnquist.
Motion carried

Ashford asked members to review minutes from the March 12, 2005 meeting. Motion to adopt the minutes by Steinhorst, second by Wenzel.
Motion Carried.



Public Comment


Staff Report


Unfinished Business

Tremble reported no action of BRPP amended language.

Tremble introduced Stefanie Brouwer, Land Acquisition and Recreational Grants Specialist with the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, to speak about the Baraboo Range subprogram of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program. Ms. Brouwer distributed a draft of the subprogram guidelines that addressed program objectives, eligibility requirements, grant criteria, property and conservation easement management, grant priorities and funding. She asked for comments on the draft guidelines by June 10. Members directed questions to Ms. Brouwer dealing with application deadlines, monitoring requirements, environmental assessments and easement language.

New Business

Members discussed how to utilize the remaining BRPP funding. Tremble agreed to provide an update on the fund balance for the next meeting.

Wenzel moved to convene a closed session, pursuant to s. 19.85 (1)(e):

"Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session." for the purpose of discussing negotiations with private landowners. Second by Turnquist.
Motion carried unanimously.

The Commission convened in closed session.

The Commission returned to open session immediately following the closed session.

Members asked Tremble to obtain an opinion from Sauk County Corporation Counsel on the requirement for Sauk County Board approval of Stewardship funded projects.

Members agreed to review all the protected properties at the next meeting to identify priority areas for future protection.

The next regular session is scheduled for Wednesday June 29, 2005 at 8:30 a.m.

Motion to adjourn by Beard, second by Wenzel.
Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 10:12 AM.

Respectfully submitted: Dave Tremble, Sauk County Planning and Zoning