DATE: November 15, 2005
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Room #326 Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913.
Pursuant to '65.90 of the Wisconsin Statutes, a Public Hearing on the Proposed 2006 Sauk County Budget will be held at 6:00 p. m. in Room #326 (County Board Room) of the West Square Building for the purpose of soliciting comments from the public regarding the 2006 Sauk County Budget for County Operations.
Resolution No. 139-05 Commending Richard Paulsen
For More Than 31 Years Of Faithful Service To The People
Of Sauk County. Moved (Hartje/Sinklair).
Motion carried unanimously.
Supervisor Carlson requested to hand deliver Mr. Paulsen's certificate of appreciation as Spring Green is also his hometown.
Update on Communications Infrastructure Committee.
Resolution No 140-05 Approving Farmland Preservation
Program Applications. Moved (Wiese/Borleske).
Supervisor Endres asked what the current number of
participants is. Supervisor Zowin stated Joe Van Berkel,
Sauk County Conservationist, would have information
on the number of participants. Vote totals: AYES: (28)
Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery,
Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel,
Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Gaalswyk,
Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger,
Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (1) Stevens. ABSENT: (2)
Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried.
Resolution No. 141-05 Requesting That The State
Remove Costs For Placements At Mental Health Institutions
From The County Property Tax. Moved (Alexander/Carlson).
Discussion in support of resolution. Vote totals: AYES:
(28) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske,
Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard,
Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres,
Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair,
Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (1) White. ABSENT:
(2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried.
Resolution No. 142-05 Authorization To Purchase
2006 Ford Crown Victoria Replacement Squad Car. Moved
(Dippel/Carlson). Clarification by Captain Chip Meister,
Sauk County Sheriff's Department, that the purchase
for this replacement vehicle is a State bid price,
and that the price is different from the previous vehicle
purchased in that this is a 2006 model. Supervisor
Fordham noted fuel and cost efficiencies are reviewed
@ committee meetings. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Zowin,
Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski,
Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham,
Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson,
Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher
and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Kriegl.
ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 143-05 Approving Liability, Property and Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage, Carriers and Premiums for Sauk County From January 1, 2006 To January 1, 2007.
Moved (Volz/Hartje). Supervisor Hartje clarified payment
is from 2006 Sauk County Budget. Vote totals: AYES: (29)
Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery,
Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler,
Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk,
Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger,
Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen
and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 144-05 Authorization To Purchase Carpet From Tandus US, Collins & Aikman Floor Coverings, Inc. To Be Used To Replace Carpet In The Courthouse and West Square Facilities.
Moved (Zowin/Hartje). Tim Stieve, Administrator Emergency
Management, Buildings & Safety, addressed the Board
regarding rubber backing, durability, and cleaning of
replacement carpet. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl,
Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski,
Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham,
Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson,
Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher
and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 145-05 Authorization To Contract With Flooring Concepts To Install Carpet In The Courthouse And West Square Facilities.
Moved (Zowin/Stevens). Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin,
Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery,
Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler,
Fordham, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk,
Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger,
Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen
and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 146-05 Approving Renewal Of Leases For Office Space In The West Square Building For State And Federal Governmental Agencies.
Moved (Earl/Netzinger). Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel,
clarified approval of this resolution allows the Committee
to negotiate leases. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl,
Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski,
Krueger, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham,
Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson,
Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher
and Wenzel. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 147-05 Purchase of Highway Equipment For Sauk County.
Moved (Meister/Stevens). Supervisor Hartje thanked
Board members for support in purchasing highway equipment.
Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje,
Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity,
Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Earl,
Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander,
Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES:
(0). ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 148-05 County Aid For Bridge Construction Under '82.08 Of The State Statutes.
Moved (Ashford/Cassity). Supervisor Cassity clarified
a bridge constitutes any culvert four (4) feet or larger
in diameter. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister,
Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger,
Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen,
Earl, Ashford, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese,
Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Sprecher and Wenzel.
NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 149-05 Approving Mandatory Direct Deposit For County Board and Committee Members.
Moved (Endres/Fordham). Discussion in support of, and
in opposition to mandatory direct deposit for County
Board members; efficiencies; safety; and setting an example
of leadership. Vote totals: AYES: (21) Zowin, Kriegl,
Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger, Cassity,
Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Earl, Ashford, Endres, Gaalswyk,
Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, Sinklair, Sprecher and Wenzel.
NAYES: (8) Meister, Hartje, Volz, Lombard, Haugen, Stevens,
White, and Netzinger. ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 150-05 Establishing Taxes to be Levied in Sauk County for Year 2006.
Moved (White/Carlson).
Moved (Kriegl/Gaalswyk), to amend the proposed 2006
Sauk County Budget so that the property tax levy dollars
allocated to the Sheriffs Department be reduced by $800,000.00,
from $9,717,945.00 to $8,917,945.00, and that the $800,000.00
be added to the Contingency Fund. Supervisor Kriegl stated
this change would reduce the total number of dollars
the sheriff's department is allowed to spend from $14,288,421.00
to $13,488,421.00, (these numbers include debt service
and most of the utilities for the Law Enforcement Center);
and that $800,000 is less than 6% of the property tax
dollars the Sheriff would be allowed to spend after my
amendment, (handout from Supervisor Kriegl). Discussion
in support of, and in opposition to amendment. Todd Liebman,
Corporation Counsel, clarified amendments to the proposed
2006 Sauk County Budget are proper at this time because
this ordinance adopts the 2006 Sauk County Budget. Vote
totals on motion to amend the proposed 2006 Sauk County
Budget by removing $800,000.00 from the Sheriff's Department
Budget and adding to the General Contingency fund: AYES:
(14) Zowin, Kriegl, Lehman, Borleske, Krueger, Cassity,
Lombard, Wheeler, Haugen, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Wiese, White,
and Netzinger. NAYES: (15) Meister, Hartje, Montgomery,
Bychinski, Volz, Dippel, Fordham, Earl, Ashford, Endres,
Carlson, Alexander, Sinklair, Sprecher, and Wenzel. ABSENT:
(2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Motion to amend failed.
Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, explained State Special Charges for Charitable and Penal purposes is a State mandated charge levied over all municipalities in the County.
Moved (Kriegl), to amend the proposed 2006 Sauk County Budget by removing goal of opening Apod from the Sheriff's Department Budget. Kathryn Schauf, Interim Administrative Coordinator, noted the updated version of the proposed 2006 Sauk County Budget already reflects that change. Supervisor Kriegl withdrew his motion to amend.
Discussion regarding reimbursements to townships for bridges. Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel stated the process is a statutory program.
Vote totals on ordinance No. 150-05 Establishing Taxes
to be Levied in Sauk County for Year 2006, which adopts
the 2006 Sauk County Budget: AYES: (23) Zowin, Meister,
Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski, Krueger,
Cassity, Volz, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Earl, Ashford,
Endres, Stevens, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger,
Sprecher and Wenzel. NAYES: (4) Kriegl, Lombard, Haugen,
and Wiese. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (2) Gaalswyk and Carlson.
ABSENT: (2) Tollaksen and Stoeckmann.
Ordinance carried.
Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è59.02(2), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, November 15, 2005.
Total levy dollars: $23,884,930.00; levy rate: $4.39 per $1,000
County Board members:
County Board of Supervisors Holiday Party
Friday, December
16, 2005/$20.00 per person
RSVP by December 7, 2005: (608)355.3274
Checks payable to
Beverly Mielke
Original resolutions, ordinances, and other written material pertaining to this meeting may be viewed from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday @:
Sauk County
Clerk's office
West Square Building
505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo,
WI 53913.
Phone: (608)355.3286