DATE: Friday, January 7, 2005
TIME: 8:30am
Room 213
West Square Bldg
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI
Committee members present: Scott Alexander, Betty Durst, LaVon Puttkamer, Rose White, Buddy Bethke, Carol Jeffers, Director of Aging Programs; Jeanne Pribbenow, Administrative Support Specialist/Account Specialist; Jacklyn Bodette, Transportation/Volunteer Coordinator; Trish Vandre, Benefit Specialist, Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator for Sauk County.
Absent: Darlene Hill
1. Meeting called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair, Scott Alexander, Carol Jeffers, Director, certified that the open meeting notice requirements have been met.
2. A motion was made to adopt the agenda by Buddy Bethke and seconded by Betty Durst. Motion carried. MaryPat Heyn was introduced as the new COA Committee member.
3. A motion was made to adopt the minutes of December 10 by LaVon Puttkamer and seconded by Joan Wheeler. A correcion was requested by LaVon Puttkamer under AAA Report (Page 2) last sentence "however, no input on money was available so the funding is no longer available."
4. Communications: Carol Jeffers provided updates on: High Points Common Senior Housing Project (DEW Development, LLC has entered into an agreement to form a partnership with the Sauk County Housing Authority for the purpose of resubmitting the Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) Section 42 Tax Credit application so the possibility of a meal site/senior center being available within the building is within reach. SAMS-information on the WEB; Shortfall in Medicaid Program- managed care possible. Shortage of affordable housing when the baby boomers reach retirement age; medications ordered from Canada may be a problem with the change in the government of Canada and the drug companies. Foot care clinics continue to be very successful in all areas of the county. The AD HOC advisory committee regarding the Sauk County Health Care Center continues to be meeting and working on possible solutions to the needs of our county residents.
5. Departmental Updates:
Director's Report: The Indigent Drug Program for 2004 has 5 new members, 22 renewals and a savings of $10, 151 in medications.
Staff Report - Jackie Bodette, Transportation/Volunteer Coordinator gave a handout to the COA committee regarding her feelings of the advantages of keeping the COA as an important separate unit within the county and supporting our seniors 60 and over with all the programs that are available. Trish Vandre also spoke of her feelings regarding keeping the Benefit Specialist Program as an important part of the COA particularly with all the new Medicare/Medicaid programs that will be coming into effect shortly.
Commission on Aging Board input-suggestions for joint meeting. Scott Alexander, Board Chair, had requested that the COA Board and the Human Services Board meet for an informational meeting and discuss advantages/disadvantages of possibly incorporating into one unit. The date for this meeting was set up for Wednesday, January 19, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. in Room B-30. The date has to be cleared with the Human Services Board.
Review and approval of:
- November Financial Statement 2004 - Judith Stoeckmann made a motion to approve the November statement and Betty Durst seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- December vouchers 2004 - Betty Durst made a motion to approve payment of the December vouchers in the amount of $25,526.47. Judith Stoeckmann seconded the motion. Motion Carried.
Training/Meeting/Seminars requests:
1/20/2005 - Trish Vandre and Deb Harvey - Elder Law Center Training was going to be held in Portage, WI. from 9:00 - 2:30pm. Mileage will be paid. Buddy Bethke made a motion to approve the training and LaVon Puttkamer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6. Business Items:
- SCHCC Ad Hoc Committe Update. The members of this committee feel they should write down what they feel they have learned and share this information and out of that recommendations to the county board on whether to stay in the nursing home business, get out of the nursing home business, build or not build, remodel or rebuild. Create another committee after the resolution is accepted or not accepted on what are the best decisions to help our elderly and disabled be taken care of in various areas of the county.
- Discuss and approve 2005 contracts update/changes/program changes - The North Freedom meal site requested more information on what the COA programs are and a two page document will be sent out with their water bills. Other changes on the 2005 contracts will be tabled until the next meeting.
- AAA Report: No meeting.
7. Set next meeting: Wednesday, February 9, 2004 at 8:30a.m. in Room 213, West Square Building, Baraboo, WI. Due to everyone's busy schedule, meeting dates have been set up for the next 4 meetings. The dates are: Wednesday, March 9, at 8:30a.m.; Wednesday, April 13, at 8:30a.m.; Wednesday, May 11, at 8:30 a.m. They will be held in Room 213 unless notified otherwise.
8. Adjournment - Rose White made a motion the meeting be adjourned and Buddy Bethke seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Darlene Hill, Secretary