Commission on Aging Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Room B30
West Square Bldg
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI

Committee members present: Scott Alexander, Betty Durst, LaVon Puttkamer, Rose White, Buddy Bethke, Darlene Hill, MaryPat Heyn, Judith Stoeckmann, Joan Wheeler, Carol Jeffers, Director of Aging Programs; Jeanne Pribbenow, Administrative Support Specialist/Account Specialist; Robert Kellerman, Director AAA, William Orth, Director, Human Services. Human Services Committee members present were: Al Dippel, Beverly Vertein as requested at the 1/19/05 special meeting.

1. Meeting called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair, Scott Alexander, Carol Jeffers, Director, certified that the open meeting notice requirements have been met.

2. A motion was made to adopt the agenda by LaVon Puttkamer and seconded by Betty Durst. Motion carried.

3. A motion was made to adopt the minutes of January 7, 2005 by Joan Wheeler and seconded by Betty Durst.

4. Public Comment: No one gave public comment.

5. Communications:

Carol Jeffers received letters regarding the possible merger of COA with Human Services: (Barb Opperman, Tammy Koenecke, William Turner, and LaVon Puttkamer) which she read to the Committee. She gave a handout of Gov. Doyle's State of the Union Speech regarding school spending caps, Medicaid changes which will affect nursing homes by moving the people out of nursing homse into the community such as assisted living homes, etc.

On April 18, 2005 there will be a Governor's pre-White House conference on aging will be open to all citizens in Oshkosh. There will be a list of lectures you can attend at the day long event such as Social Security, financing retirement, prescription drug, Medicare, financing Long Term Support, Health and Long Term Care Workforce, support for caregivers, transportation, housing, Aging & Resource centers, healthy aging. From this conference, recommendations will be taken to Washington, D.C. Send any suggestions you may have to your legislator in Madison. Hopefully, there will be transportation of some kind offered whether by car, van or bus. Spending levels will remain basically the same for 2006 as they are in 2005.

Tobacco Coalition information regarding raising the tax on cigarettes to $1.00 which will help restore Medicaid. CO-housing communities where seniors living in their own condos or apartments, but share a community room, etc. (neighbors taking care of neighbors); Homestead tax is being done by the staff and Jim Kosir, AARP, working with two other gentlemen on helping people with their income taxes at sites in Baraboo, Reedsburg, and Sauk Prairie. Transportation provides rides at 10 cents a mile for 6 dialysis patients, 2 radiation patients. Jeanne Pribbenow gave the committee information about the Grief live-via-satellite Teleconference Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life, April 20, 2005 from 12:00 - 3:30 Newsletter donations are $704 with our goal being $1,000. The Volunteer Breakfast will be held on April 27, 2005 at Arthur's in Spring Green at 8:00 a.m.

Roadwise - a AAA computer program is on a laptop in our office and tests eye and agility. Everyone is invted to use it.

New money allocation of Medicare_Medication_Act Transition Grant Aging Program Fund Part D, is available for 18 months starting in April of 2005 through September 2006. This is a one-time grant to increase hours of benefit specialists 1/2 time to educate, assist and serve people of the county in the new Medicare Part D program (prescription drug program). The amount allocated is $21,317 and this figure is based on Senior Care enrollment (65+).

Postal rates request for nonprofit status was turned down. Carol Jeffers has appealed the decision and is waiting for an answer.

Reedsburg meal site started a 4th route as the hospital no longer furnishes meals.

5. Departmental Updates:

Director's Report: Handout of the report was given to the committee members.

Long Term Care Choices reading @#15 & discussion. Tabled.

Financial Report: Review and approval of:

December Financial Statement 2004 - This is not the final report for 2004 as there are some outstanding bills which still have to be paid through December 2004. Darlene Hill made a motion to approve the December statement and Judy Stoeckmann seconded the motion. Motion carried.

December 2004 Vouchers - LaVon Puttkamer made a motion to approve payment of the December 2004 vouchers in the amount of $1800.37 and Betty Durst seconded the motion. Motion carried.

January 2005 Vouchers - LaVon Puttkamer made a motion to approve payment of the January 2005 vouchers in the amount of $33,709.75 and Betty Durst seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Training/Meeting/Seminars requests:

2/18/05 - Phyllis Power will be attending the I & A conference being held in Madison from 9:30-3:00. Cost will be mileage of approximately 120 miles, plus meals. Also Carol Jeffers will encourage Lois Hengstler to attend the training also.

LaVon Puttkamer made a motion to approve the training and Buddy Bethke seconded the motion. Motion carried.

6. Business Items:
Discuss and approve 2005 contracts - Sauk Prairie meal site problems. Discussion was held regarding issues at the site and a motion was made by Judy Stoeckmann to go into closed session at the next month's meeting due to the nature of the problems involved. Joan Wheeler asked the motion be amended to re-examine our contract with the contractor at our next monthly meeting. Buddy Bethke seconded the motion.

Discuss Aging & Human Services Combination: Betty Durst, COA committee member, had e-mailed counties throughout the state to get information regarding their Aging Units and Human Services combining. She had read letters from Buffalo County, Pierce County, Jefferson County, Marquette County and asked them the pros and cons of being combined. Betty will be making copies for the committee's references. She hoped to hear from more counties and will have more information at our next meeting in March. Also, LaVon Puttkamer requested a letter/notice be put in the upcoming newsletter asking for comments about the proposal of combining Human Services and COA and the letters will be read at the next committee meeting.

Information Single Point-Family Care - Bob Kellerman, Executive Director, AAA, gave the committee background on the single point-family care program stating that Information and Asistance will begin the process as persons should be able to talk to and have access to someone immediately regarding whatever services they are requiring such as Long Term Support, Community Options Programs, home delivered meals, chore services, outreach, informational brochures. Customer service should have knowledge of the services, be friendly, be able to give persons options if they are questioning what they need. Benefit specialists will be needed and also a disability benefit specialist who are required. User friendly is the key workd.

SCHCC Ad Hoc Committee Update - Carol Jeffers and Joan Wheeler gave an update. A resolution was drafted and presented to the County Board and attached to the front of the Final Report. Create another committee after the resolution is accepted or not accepted on what are the best decisions to help our elderly and disabled be taken care of in various ares of the county.

AAA Report - LaVon Puttkamer gave the committee several informational handouts to the committee and also read a AAA letter written by Amy Fox stating a job well done. Robert Kellerman stated there is a CWAG Rally in Madison on May 11th at the Capitol. Anyone can come to the rally.

7. Set next meeting: Wednesday, March 9, 2005 at 8:30am. in Room 213, West Square Building, Baraboo, WI. Due to everybody's busy schedule, meeting dates have been set up for the next 3 meetings. The dates are: Wednesday, April 13, at 8:30am.; Wednesday, May 11, at 8:30am. They will be held in Room 213 unless notified otherwise.

8. Adjournment - Betty Durst made a motion the meeting be adjourned and MaryPat Heyn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Darlene Hill, Secretary