*Amended 5/2/2005
TIME 8:30am
ROOM 213
Committee members present: Scott Alexander, LaVon Puttkamer, Betty Durst, Darlene Hill, Rose White, MaryPat Heyn, Buddy Bethke, Judith Stoeckmann, Joan Wheeler, Jacklyn Bodette, Transportation/Volunteer Coordinator Jeanne Pribbenow, Administrative Support Specialist/Account Assistant, Gene Wiegand, Administrator Coordinator; * Amy Fox, Nutritionist AAA.
Absent: Carol Jeffers, Director, Sauk County Commission On Aging
Director's Report:
Staff Update: Char Roloff has been hired as the new meal site manager for the Baraboo Meal site and she started April 11, 2005. Teresa Sexton has been hired as the new site manager for the Sauk Prairie meal site.
Volunteer Recognition. The volunteer recognition breakfast is being held at Arthur's in Spring Green and will start at 8:00 a.m on April 27, 2005. Transportation is available for anyone needing a ride to the breakfast.
Baraboo Senior Center update: Jackie Bodette gave a handout to the committee members regarding the senior center building report and fund raisers events that will be going on this summer. Also, Norb Moy, Jackie Bodette and Carol Jeffers attended an information presentation sponsored by USDA Rural Development on Community Facilities Loan and Grant Programs and they explained what types of entities and community projects might be eligible to receive federal funding and they would help write the grants. A rural community of 20,000 people is eligible.
Grief Teleconference: The live-via-satellite teleconference will be held on April 20, 2005 from 12:00-3:30 on 'Living With Grief, Ethical Dilemmas at the End-of-Live and 62 people have registered for the program.
Power Tools Course: This course is being taught again this year for caregivers of Alzheimer patients and anyone who is involved with the terminally ill. The COA will be purchasing the books used in this course as we have in the past. The date of the course will be from April 13 to May 18 and will be held at the Presbyterian Church, Baraboo WI. There will be room available for 15 persons.
Free Hearing Tests: Mile Bluff-Mauston, will be doing free hearing tests at the various meal sites and the schedule for each site will be in our newsletter.
Newsletter donations: $874 in donations have been received.
Medicare Part D funds:
New money allocation of Medicare Medication Act Transition Grant Aging Program Fund Part D, is available for 18 months starting in April of 2005 through September 2006. This is a one-time grant to increase hours of benefit specialists 1/2 time to educate, assist and serve people of the county in the new Medicare Part D program (prescription drug program). The amount allocated is $21, 317 and this figure is based on Senior Care enrollment (65+). Medicaid, on November 5, 2005, will transfer to Medicare D and anyone on Medicare will be notified of the new Medicare Part D program and, at this time, there are many, many problems to be ironed out so that anyone dealing with the Medicare clients is going to go through training programs and information will have to be provided through our newsletter, Human Services, Health Department, UW Extension Homemakers Leaders training, benefit specialists.
Financial Report
Review & approval of:
Final 2004 & February 2005 Financial Statements.
Buddy Bethke made a motion to approve the financial statements
and Judy Stoeckmann seconded the motion. Motion carried. March
2005 Vouchers: LaVon Puttkamer made a motion to
approve payment of the March vouchers in the amount of
$27,382.26. Judy Stoeckmann seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Training/Meeting/Seminars requests:
4/18/05 - Trish Vandre and Deb Harvey will
be attending the White House Conference On Aging being
held at the Park Plaza Hotel in Oshkosh. The cost of
$15 each included the lunch-breaks. The meeting starts
at 9:30-4:30. Overtime will be paid to the driver. Rose
White made a motion to pay the reimbursement costs for
the trip and Betty Durst seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
4/22/05 - Jackie Bodette will be attending
a Passenger Assistance Workshop update-certified training
at the Best Western Hotel in Beaver Dam from 9:30-2:00.
No costs to us. University of Wisconsin pays the costs.
MaryPat Heyn made a motion to approve the training and
Buddy Bethke seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
4/26/05 - Carol Jeffers wants to attend the CWAG Directors meeting on Medicare Part D training in Stevens Point from 9:30-3:45. Mileage and meal will be paid
4/27/05 - Medicare Part D Training for the
Project Employee (new staff). Rose White made a motion
to approve the Project Position for Medicare Part D Training
expenses for someone to attend the meeting at Stevens
Point WI. MaryPat Heyn seconded the motion. Mileage and
meal will be paid. Judy Stoeckmann made a motion to approve
the training. Joan Wheeler seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Approval of Project Position Medicare Part D. Rose
White made a motion to approve the Project Position (18
months) and Betty Durst seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Time Study: Amy Fox, of AAA, has completed the time study at the meal sites except for the Sauk Prairie meal site which she will be going to later. The time study handouts were given to the committee members and the report was favorable and 3 hours seemed to be the norm and lunch was included in this time also.
Bus Bid Process: Jackie Bodette gave handouts to the committee members of small bus bid comparisons for information only at this time. Jackie presented the vehicle specifications for vehicles obtained through the 5310 grant program. Jackie wants an one person to work with her regarding the purchase of a bus. Scott Alexander will be working with her and the information will be available at the next meeting in May.
Discuss SCHCC AD Hoc Committee progress: According to Gene Wiegand, County Administrative Coordinator, the AD Hoc committee ceases to exist at this time and a new committee is to be formed. There was a debate that followed as the resolution was turned back to the county board.
Respectfully Submitted: Darlene Hill, Secretary