Commission on Aging Committee Meeting Minutes

ROOM 213

Committee members present: Scott Alexander, LaVon Puttkamer, Darlene Hill, Rose White, MaryPat Heyn, Buddy Bethke, Joan Wheeler, Carol Jeffers, Director, Jacklyn Bodette, Transportation/Volunteer Coordinator, Jeanne Pribbenow, Administrative Support Specialist/Account Assistant, Deb Harvey and Trish Vandre, Benefit Specialists, Gene Wiegand, Administrator Coordinator

Absent: Betty Durst, Judith Stoeckmann

  1. Meeting called to order at 8:30 a.m. by COA Committee Chair, Scott Alexander. Carol Jeffers, Director, certified that the open meeting notice requirements have been met.
  2. A motion was made to adopt the agenda by Buddy Bethke and second by Joan Wheeler.
    Motion carried.
  3. A motion was made to adopt the minutes of April 13, 2005 by MaryPat Heyn and second by Joan Wheeler.
    Motion carried.
  4. Public Comment:

    Letters received and read against COA and DHS merger from Lois Hays, Charles Moritz, Cathy Prescott, Stewart and Ann Schirmer, Diane Whitz, and Melvina. Arlene Jordan sent a note stating the home delivered meals were great, and the service, also.

  5. Communication:

    Carol Jeffers read a legislative update regarding the possibility of a considerable amount of money to be used in the elderly and disabled transportation program.

    The Senior Care program receives state and federal funds and may be in jeopardy as the program continues through 2007, and there may be changes. Governor's Pre-White House conference on Aging handouts were given to the COO committee by Trish Vandre and Deb Harvey, Benefit Specialists, who attended the conference. There were 11 different programs presented at the conference and they concentrated on the Social Security program. They presented information about the possible changes in the Social Security program. Wisconsin delegates they will attend the meeting in Washington DC to help change the policies.

  6. Departmental Updates:

    Director's Report:

    Staff Update:

    Gene Wiegand was asked to attend to inform the committee of the progress of hiring a new director for the COA. He stated seven people were interviewed on April 29, 2005 by the committee, who where; Michelle Koehler, Gene Wiegand, Rose White, and Scott Alexander. Four people were chosen and Gene stated he was going to do a second interview on two of these people the following week (May 16-20).

    Volunteer Recognition:

    Jacklyn Bodette stated that 125 people attended the breakfast at Arthur's in Spring Green. A good breakfast was served and prizes handed out. A good time was had by all.

    Baraboo Meal Site Location Change:

    Due to extensive remodeling at the Walnut Hill Church, the meal site is temporarily being held at the First United Methodist Church on the corner of Broadway and 4th in the upper level. If the church is busy the COA has requested use of the lunchroom in an emergency in the West Square Building and this has to be presented to the county board for approval.

    Shopping Trips/New Reedsburg Low Vision Support Group:

    Jacklyn Bodette gave a report on the success of the trips.

    Senior Farmer's Market Program:

    The program will be handled by the UW Extension office.

    Financial Report:

    Review and approval of carried forward unreserved funds: Carry forward funds equal $201,068.00.

    March Financial Statement: Buddy Bethke made a motion to approve the financial statement.
    Motion carried.

    April 2005 Vouchers: Rose White made a motion to approve payment of the April vouchers in the amount of $28,924.81. Darlene Hill second the motion.
    Motion carried.

    Medicare Modernization Act Grant:

    Trish Vandre and Deb Harvey, Benefit Specialists, gave a report on the Medicare Part D which is the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program and some handouts were given. They discussed some of the Medicare Part D program. As this is such an involved program, they have been asked to discuss the same program at our next meeting. Informational meetings have been set up all over the county to discuss this program.

    Training/Meeting/Seminars requests:

    05/26/2005 Trish Vandre and Deb Harvey wish to attend the Elder Law Care meeting at the Portage, WI library. LaVon Puttkamer made a motion to approve the training and Buddy Bethke second the motion.
    Motion carried.

  7. Business Items:

    Rural Housing Authority - Volunteer Repair Program:

    Char Thompson, Director of Rural Housing Authority, stated that approximately 10 years ago the Retirement Research Foundation started a Volunteer Service Home Repair Program and is in 40 of the state's 72 counties. There is a grant, in the amount of $3,000.00, which is available to be used for home repairs, such as making ramps and renting them out for $5.00 and when the ramps are through being used they can be rented to someone else to use, or whatever needs arise to help the persons in need. The Rural Housing Authority has to be notified as the deadline for the grant is June 30, 2005. This is a one time grant.

    This is not a governmental program, the Rural Housing Authority requires an explanation each December as to what the money was spent on. MaryPat Heyn made a motion to accept the grant money from the Rural Housing Authority and Rose White second the motion.
    Motion carried.

    Bus Bid Process:

    Jacklyn Bodette gave handouts to the committee members of small bus bid comparisons. Five bids were received and Jacklyn presented the vehicle specifications for vehicles obtained through the 5310 grant program. Jacklyn Bodette, Scott Alexander, and Carol Jeffers had looked over each of the bids and felt that Goshen Coach CG 11 2005 Ford E 450, 6.8L, V-10 (which was Bus #1) on the bids listed, for the price of $51,012.00 is the bus they would recommend as it would meet the needs of the Commission on Aging transportation program.

    The COA committee checked over the bid comparisons and Buddy Bethke made a motion to select the above named bus (#1 on the list) for purchase and Rose White second the motion.
    Motion carried.

    The purchase of the bus then has to go to the county board for final approval and Scott Alexander will represent COA at the next county board meeting to obtain the final approval.

    Department Transition:

    Nothing has been done as a new director had not been chosen.

    2006 Budget Information:

    Carol Jeffers presented a very small amount of budgetary information as she will be retiring June 6, 2005 and a new director will have to take on this task.

  8. AAA Report:

    None to report.

  9. Set next meeting:

    The next meeting date is Wednesday, June 1, 2005, at 8:30 a.m. at the North Freedom meal site.

  10. Adjournment:

    LaVon Puttkamer made a motion the meeting be adjourned and Buddy Bethke second the motion.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Darlene Hill, Secretary