DATE: July 6, 2005
ATTENDANCE: Members present: S. Alexander, B. Bethke, B. Durst, M. Heyn, D. Hill, L. Puttkamer, J. Stoeckmann, J. Wheeler, R.White
Others Present: M. Koehler, T. Liebman, T. Vandre, G. Wiegand, B. Wenzel
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by S. Alexander at 8:30 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.
AGENDA: Motion by R. White, second by B. Durst, to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
MINUTES: Motion by R. White, second by M. Heyn to approve the
June 1, 2005 and June 21, 2005 minutes as distributed.
Motion carried.
D. Hill expressed concern over citizen members not being made aware of the emergency June 21 meeting prior to full Co. Board meeting.
Discussion ensued regarding proper procedure for advising Committee members of the appointment of the Director. T. Liebman advised that under the Personnel Ordinance, it is within the Administrative Coordinator's authority to hire Department Heads after the interview panel ranked the applicants. A courtesy call would be appropriate to the Committee Chair however, it is not required by the Ordinance. G. Wiegand agreed that some form of communication should have been issued from his office to the Committee members when he selected the Director. Motion by L. Puttkamer, second by R.White to recommend confirmation of T. Vandre as Director by the Sauk County Board at its July meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by D. Hill second by J. Stoeckmann to approve the June vouchers
in the amount of $27,203.96.
Motion carried.
No May Financial Report is available at this time. T. Vandre will be meeting with Carrie, Program Assistant with AgeAdvantAge after this meeting to resolve budgetary discrepancies in this report. She will provide a May and June Financial Report at the August meeting.
T. Vandre presented training requests for mandatory Benefit Specialist
training for Deb Harvey and Ann Sheridan July 14, 2005 and for Jackie Bodette
to attend the WRAPP Roadeo on July 29, 30, 31, 2005. There is no tuition
for this training since Jackie will be a presenter at the conference. Since
this is a weekend, she will adjust her work week to accommodate this training
to accumulate a minimum of comp time. Motion by R. White second by M. Heyn
to approve training requests.
Motion carried.
HIRING PROGRESS: T. Vandre gave update on the recruitment for vacant positions
in the Department. M. Koehler explained the need for reallocation of FTE
in order to accurately reflect the vacant Benefit Specialist position.
This reallocation does not increase the FTEs for the Department. Motion
by R. White second by J. Wheeler to recommend to the Personnel Committee
that the FTEs in the Benefit Specialist program be allocated as one position
consisting of 1 FTE and the other position as .63 FTE.
Motion carried.
Once this reallocation is approved by Personnel Committee, T. Vandre is authorized to recruit and hire accordingly in conjunction with the union contract and the Personnel Dept.
T. Vandre advised the Members of various issues including the status of Sr. Farmer's Market Nutrition Program; SAMS migration to the web; Reedsburg Utility cable access channels as an opportunity for cost-free marketing of our programs, services, and announcements; and the formation of a COP wait-list policy subcommittee on which she will serve. Deb Harvey, Benefit Specialist updated the Members on the outreach efforts surrounding Medicare Part D. Discussion of the Challenge of an Aging Society Summit. T. Vandre stated that this issue is key to future planning for the Department, programs and services available to Sauk County residents. The Summit was attended by members R.White and J. Stoeckmann as well as T. Vandre G. Wiegand and other Co. Board Supervisors Lombard, Fordham, Carlson, and Netzinger. J. Wheeler suggested to B. Wenzel that this group gather together all the information collected at this Summit and share it with the Strategic Planning Committee or via some other forum to prepare for these future challenges. Consensus agreed.
RESOLUTION: Motion by L. Puttkamer second by B. Durst
to recommend resolution to commend Jeanne Pribbenow for her
service to Sauk County as she retires.
Motion carried.
T. Vandre advised Members of this relatively new program
for which WI has receiveda grant from Stanford Univ.
The grant provides support to train leaders to facilitate this
program for people with chronic diseases such as breathing
conditions, heart disease, arthritis, stroke, diabetes, and
chronic pain. AgeAdvantAge (AAA) is strongly encouraging counties
to develop this program while the grant for training is available
and hails it as a great fit with other Aging Unit programs
and services. AAA has pledged funding for travel and lodging
expenses for the Sauk Co. staff and lay leaders to attend the
leader training. Motion by B. Bethke second by B. Durst to
approve acceptance of this grant opportunity and send staff
and lay leader to August CDSMP leader training.
Motion carried.
M. Heyn clarified the commitment of staff time. T. Vandre advised that she anticipates the Department will be fully staffed by August. Vandre and a lay person will be trained as leaders therefore, there would be no accumulation of comp time or overtime since Vandre is a salaried employee.
T. Vandre advised that the labor cost worksheets have just been distributed by the Accounting Department and she hopes the draft budget will be available for approval at the next Committee meeting. Budgets are scheduled to be reviewed by Finance Committee in September 2005.
T. Vandre described to the Members details of funding Carol Jeffers promised to the developer of Highpointe Commons to construct the Baraboo nutrition site in this new senior apartment complex. Ground-breaking for this project will be in July. The figures seem to include rent of $187/mo (or $2244/year) plus funds being held in trust of up to $15,000 to purchase tables, chairs, dishes, flatware, glassware, etc. for the site. Members indicated they were aware of the project but not of the specific dollars pledged. Vandre will include these plans in the 2006 budget for review and approval.
L. Puttkamer and B. Bethke reported on the AgeAdvantAge Advisory Board Training held in Baraboo on June 16, 2005. L. Puttkamer and T. Vandre suggested that George Potrascke be invited to speak to the Continuum of Care committee regarding the state's plans for long term care restructuring and the role of nursing homes and home care services. L. Puttkamer distributed handouts from this training entitled "Board of Directors Self Evaluation" and "Tips for Becoming a Better Board Member".
Motion by J. Stoeckmann second by B. Durst to adjourn with
the next regular meeting to be held Wednesday, August 3, 2005,
at 8:30 a.m.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted: Rose White, Secretary