Commission on Aging Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, August 3, 2005

PLACE:Room 213, West Sq. Bldg.

ATTENDANCE: Members present: S. Alexander, B. Bethke, B. Durst, M. Heyn, D. Hill, L. Puttkamer, J. Wheeler, R.White

OTHERS PRESENT: Gail Schwersenska, T. Vandre, G. Weigand

ABSENT: J. Stoeckmann

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by at 8:30 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.

AGENDA: Motion by R. White, second by B. Bethke to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by D. Hill, second by B. Durst to approve the July 2005 minutes as distributed. Motion carried.



DEPARTMENTAL UPDATES: T. Vandre presented May and June 2005 financial statements compiled by MUNIS, the county's accounting system. Motion by R. White, second by B. Durst to approve the financial statements. Motion carried.
The July 2005 vouchers were reviewed; Motion by B. Durst, second by L. Puttkamer to approve the vouchers. Motion carried.

T. Vandre presented the following requests for staff training:

Motion by L. Puttkamer second by M. Heyn to approve the training requests. Motion carried.

T. Vandre presented the following updates about departmental programs and services:
The hiring process has been completed for the Account Assistant and the testing will be complete for the Benefit Specialist recruitment in the next week.
Over 700 people have attended the Medicare Part D workshops to date.
T. Vandre and Tom White of LaValle will be facilitating the Chronic Disease Self Management Program in Baraboo the Mondays between Sept. 12 and Oct. 17. Dates in Reedsburg are pending confirmation of meeting space at the Reedsburg Public Library.
The current contribution guidelines were distributed and the staff has been retrained regarding this policy affecting all Older Americans Act Programs.
Highpointe Commons groundbreaking was August 1, 2005 and construction will begin soon.
The Nutrition Advisory Council has met and is working toward an updated image/logo and marketing plan for the nutrition program. They are also giving input as to updating the activities at the sites.
The AgeAdvantAge PSA meeting described a new era for aging units under the modernization of the aging network. The State has indicated that within the next four years, every county will be served by an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). This will be an exciting time for the Commission to be planning for services to be delivered to Sauk County residents. Collaboration among county agencies, other non-profit organizations and service providers will be necessary to accomplish this; prevention programs such as Chronic Disease Self Management, Body Recall, Falls Prevention and the National Family Caregiver Support programs will be a core component of the ADRC.

BUSINESS ITEMS: The rental contract with the Sauk Prairie School District for the nutrition site and meeting space for the Benefit Specialist will continue to be $2000 per year. Motion by B. Bethke second by R. White to approve the contract. Motion carried.
The 2006 Budget will be reviewed at the September meeting.
Special Guest: Gail Schwersenska, Director, Office on Aging, Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources. Gail has over 30 years experience beginning in an aging unit all the way to the Bureau Chief. Gail spoke about the funding structure of the Commission on Aging discussing each subsection of the Title III of the Older Americans Act and the programs they support.
Title III B: Social services (at least 5% spent on Benefit Specialists), transportation, newsletter, chore service, I&A etc.
III C-1: Congregate nutrition program; 45% state dollars, 55% federal dollars.
III C-2: Home delivered nutrition program
III E: national family caregiver support program, I&A, training, respite services, grandparents raising grandchildren
WI Benefit Specialist funding: 100% state dollars/GPR
WI 85.21 Transportation Grant: 100% state dollars; encouraged Committee to explore how to expand services with the increased grant funding coming in 2006 & 2007.

Gail extensively discussed the important role of the Commission on Aging Committee including
being the conscience of the county (ie. story about garbage collection at the senior housing complex); she encouraged the members to hold Town Meetings with constituents and hear the needs they express;
To identify the gaps in services for older adults and to plan how services can be expanded to meet these needs;
Maintain a relationship with state senators and representatives to improve and advocate for the needs of older people;
To be mindful that there is a distinction between Governance which is the Committee's responsibility and Management which is the Department Head's responsibility; to be ever mindful and not to lose sight of the "big picture";
Gail also discussed the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) movement with the Committee and advised that the State's intention is that all counties will be served by an ADRC and that she encourages the Commission on Aging to be in collaboration with the necessary local entities to accomplish this for Sauk County. The Core Services and Standards are available from AgeAdvantAge. She also agreed that it might be helpful to travel to a county or two which already operate ADRCs, but agreed with G. Weigand that an ADRC is a concept / a way of delivering services and not a building or physical plant.

Motion by R. White second by B. Durst to adjourn with the next regular meeting to be held Wednesday,September 14, 2005, at 8:30 a.m.

Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Signed by: Rose White, Secretary