Commission on Aging Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Room 213, West Sq. Bldg.

ATTENDANCE: Members present: S. Alexander, B. Bethke, B. Durst, M. Heyn, D. Hill, L. Puttkamer, J. Stoeckmann, J. Wheeler, R.White

Others Present: T. Vandre, L. Roundy, E. Udulutch



The meeting was called to order by S. Alexander at 8:30 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meeting Law.


Motion by L. Puttkamer, second by B. Bethke, to adopt the agenda.

Motion carried.


Motion by B. Bethke, second by J. Wheeler to approve the August 2005 minutes as distributed.
Motion carried.




T. Vandre received an email from a participant's family member expressing gratitude for service and the contribution policy explanation; distributed registration form for Community Relocation Initiative Forums; received memo as follow-up to an assessment by Glenn Reynolds, AgeAdvantAge Fiscal Manager, relating to future budget and financial procedures.


Financial Report: A complete printout of the July Year-to-Date status of the agency's accounts were distributed and reviewed by Committee. Motion by M.P. Heyn, second by B. Bethke to approve the July Financial Report. The Committee requested to receive this full accounting quarterly and the condensed version on other months.
Motion carried.

The August 2005 vouchers were reviewed, motion by R. White, second by B. Durst to approve the August vouchers in the amount of $26,885.
Motion carried.

T. Vandre advised the Committee of the following training needs:

Mandatory regional Benefit Specialist training Sept. 15 in Portage-mileage and meals only; Basic Benefit Specialist Training for E. Udulutch Oct 11-13 in Madison-mileage and meals only; WI Assoc.of Nutrition Director's Annual Conference for Trish in Wausau Oct. 19-20-$65 registration, $62 lodging, mileage and meals; motion by L. Puttkamer, second by M.P. Heyn to approve all training requests.
Motion carried.

T. Vandre introduced Edie Udulutch, the new Benefit Specialist and Lee Roundy, the new Account Assistant to the Committee; advised that approx. 1750 people have attended the Medicare Part D workshops to date; reported that Amy Fox, AgeAdvantAge, has completed the agency's on-site Plan Assessment; reported that interviews were held on Sept. 7 for a new chore service worker; reported that Harriet, the Experience Works staff placed in the agency is retiring effective Sept. 14 and another placement will be sought.


T. Vandre advised Committee that the sliding scale being used for mileage reimbursement of Volunteer Drivers may not be sufficient if gas prices continue to increase and suggested that this scale be expanded to address higher prices per gallon and the associated reimbursement rate. Motion by L. Puttkamer, second by B. Durst to expand the reimbursement scale.
Motion carried.

T. Vandre and L. Roundy presented 2006 budget including Form I , 2006 Budget Highlights, the Project Cost Schedule, Labor Allocation Worksheet, and Other Expenses itemized. The agency's goals, output measures, and outcome and efficiency measures were discussed including the overall vision for the agency's work. The County Levy needed to support this budget is $167,539. Motion by D. Hill, second by L. Puttkamer to approve the 2006 Budget as presented.
Motion carried.

T. Vandre advised that the Finance Committee review of the budget is Sept. 15, 2005.
T. Vandre reported to the Committee that she has met with the pastors at both 1st United Methodist Church and Walnut Hill Bible Church. The Baraboo Nutrition Site will return to Walnut Hill Bible Church as soon as is expedient.


L. Puttkamer and B. Bethke report a AAA Board meeting is be held Sept 23.
Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by J. Wheeler to adjourn with the next regular meeting to be held Wednesday, October 5, 2005, at 8:30 a.m.
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary