Commission on Aging Committee

DATE: Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Place: Room 213, West Sq. Bldg.

ATTENDANCE: Members present: S. Alexander, B. Bethke, B. Durst, M. Heyn, D. Hill, L. Puttkamer, J. Stoeckmann, J. Wheeler, R.White

Others Present: T. Vandre, L. Roundy



The meeting was called to order by S. Alexander at 8:30 a.m. and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.


Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by M.P. Heyn to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.


Motion by L. Puttkamer, second by J. Wheeler to approve the September 2005 minutes as distributed.
Motion carried.




T. Vandre distributed email requesting State Aging Advisory Council members, Relocation Initiative information, advised of Site Manager Training Nov 7.


Motion by R. White, second by B. Durst to approve the August Financial Statement. Motion carried. Motion by B. Durst to approve the September 2005 vouchers in the amount of $31,709.92, second by D. Hill.
Motion carried.

T. Vandre advised of the Elder Law Center's 2006 Benefit Specialist's attendance of the mandatory training sessions scheduled to meet 01/19, 03/16, 05/11, 07/20, 09/21, 11/09. Motion by R. White, second by M.P. Heyn to approve this training schedule.
Motion carried.

T. Vandre presented the Sept. 2005 Director's Report for the Committee's information. Lee Roundy, Accounting Assistant, presented information re: nutrition site statistics as compared to Sept 2004.


T. Vandre presented the updated volunteer driver mileage reimbursement scale. J. Wheeler moved to apply this scale to miles driven beginning in October 2005, second by J. Stoeckmann.
Motion carried.

Discussion regarding the county's policies regarding reimbursement of Committee member's mileage and expenses when attending training workshops and other meetings. County ordinance allows for reimbursement when the Committee sends a member to such a workshop or meeting. The reimbursement includes mileage, fees and meal expenses however, no per diem is paid. J. Wheeler moved to send M.P. Heyn to meetings including an Alzheimer's Conference, parliamentary procedure training and a Community Relocation Forum with the stipulation that reports be given to the Committee at a future meeting, second by D. Hill. Motion carried.

The Committee stood in a brief recess to attend the delivery and tour of the new minibus purchased by the Commission on Aging.
T. Vandre advised members that Rusk Co. is interested in purchasing one of the excess steam tables currently being stored on our behalf. B. Bethke moved to approve the sale of this equipment at market value as determined by T. Vandre, second by J. Wheeler.
Motion carried.

Discussion of the nutrition program catering contract ensued. T. Vandre reported that the records indicate that RFP may be in order. She also advised of the benefits of removing the site manager personnel from the contract and bringing them under the County's employ. J. Stoeckmann moved to extend the current contract for 2006 by 12 months with amendments as T. Vandre deems necessary, second by J. Wheeler.
Motion carried.

J. Stoeckmann moved to direct T. Vandre to conduct an analysis exploring the costs associated with hiring the site managers, continuing a traditional catering contract or the possibility of utilizing County institutions such as the Health Care Center or the Sauk County Jail for food preparation and transportation, second by M.P. Heyn.
Motion carried.


L. Puttkamer and B. Bethke advised the members of their most recent meeting with AgeAdvantAge including a discussion of the Modernization of the Aging Network and Aging and Disability Resource Centers.

Motion by M. P. Heyn second byJ. Wheeler to adjourn until the next regular meeting to be held Wednesday, November 9, 2005, at 8:30 a.m. preceded by a Public Hearing to examine the 2006 Amendment to the Aging Unit Plan and the 2006 s.85.21 Transportation Grant application.
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary