Commission on Aging Committee

Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Room 213, West Sq. Bldg.

ATTENDANCE: Members present: S. Alexander, B. Bethke, B. Durst, M. Heyn, D. Hill, L. Puttkamer, J. Stoeckmann, J. Wheeler, R.White

Others Present: T. Vandre, L. Roundy, B. Fox


CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by S. Alexander at 8:30 a.m. and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

AGENDA: Motion by S. Alexander, second by B. Bethke, to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by B. Durst, second by B. Bethke to approve the November 2005 minutes. Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment was registered or offered at the meeting.


M. P. Heyn's resignation letter read. T. Vandre will seek candidate to replace her.


  1. Approval to submit Aging Unit Plan Amendment: L. Puttkamer moved and S. Alexander seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Approval to submit Transportation Grant Application: L. Puttkamer moved and R. Wheeler seconded. Motion carried.
  3. Discussion of reimbursement rates for volunteer home delivered meal drivers and consideration of rate increase: Mileage and current gas prices should determine base rate reimbursement now. Each route has a mileage reimbursement added if volunteer is not local. B. Bethke thinks staff should take care of it and keep the Committee informed. A question was raised about the commitee's procedure for reviewing policies already in place and how rates are determined. No definite conclusions drawn except to leave it as is for the time being.


  1. T. Vandre presented the November Director's Report: Provided the scope of the attention that has to be given to Medicare Part D, over 3000 people attended workshops. Bev Fox of Experience Works and Ann Sheridan, Deb Harvey and Edie Uduluch have provided individual counseling to more than 100 people on Medicare D.

    The COA office has been inundated with these Medicare D consults. Telephone traffic increased exponentially because of Medicare D. Schedule for Medicare D consult in office and will be in the January Newsletter. Sarah Negast has joined the office staff as LTE to fill in the gap.

    Nutrition Program: T. Vandre showed pictures of state logo and logos personalized for the different dining centers. Each one is specific to the community. A memo was distributed to staff and volunteers outlining the shift from "mealsite" to Dining Center to promote a senior center/ restaurant atmosphere and other nutrition program policies.

  2. Review and approval of vouchers: L. Roundy presented the nutrition site statistics comparing November 2005 to October 2005 . L. Roundy also distributed the current financial statement and  list of invoices to be paid. There is an estimated $60,000 to be used the first two months of 2006. Motion by J. Wheeler, second by J. Stoeckmann to approve the invoices for payment.
    Motion carried.

    L. Roundy gave a Home Safe & Sound update. Six clients have been served and more could be served in 2006. A question was raised about buiding ramps for the disabled. T. Vandre stated that repairs and projects accepted must be related to the particular needs demonstrated by the people in the program.

  3. White House Conference on Aging updates. Handouts on summaries of proposals given.
  4. Together We Make a Difference video outlining the Aging Difference and customer service. All thought it appropriate and informative.


    B. Bethke reported on the AAA Board's discussion of the report "Common Identity for Aging Network" for consistent quality. Shared information toolkit folder.

    L. Puttkamer reported regarding the consistent Modernization of Aging Network. She suggested we advocate against it. Too much Federal and state control. Wisconsin Senior Care more usable..

    Added discussion by T. Vandre who showed the group Yaktrax Walkers for shoes that could be used for home delivered meal drivers who need them and elderly who need them. AgeAdvantAge will subsidize 10 pair at $6.50 and client will pay $3.50. Deduct this from a total cost of $20. Helen's Daughter store downtown carries them at full retail cost. Commitee asked T. Vandre to make these a gift to volunteer drivers and HDM drivers.

    Motion by S. Alexander second by M. Heyn  to adjourn with the next regular meeting to be held Wednesday, January 4 , 2006, at 8:30 a.m.
    Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Signed by: Rose White, Secretary