Communications Infrastructure Committee

DATE: April 6th, 2005

Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Robert Sinklair, Charlie Montgomery, Don Stevens
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Mark Cupp, Steve Pate, Todd Liebman (later)

  1. Meeting called to order by Chair Bychinski at 7:33 a.m.. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt amended agenda: Motion by Montgomery, second by Stevens to adopt agenda.
  3. Adopt minutes: Motion by Stevens, second by Hartje to approve minutes of last meeting.
  4. Public Comment: None.
  5. Communications: Don Stevens handed out an article from Farm Futures discussing USDA goal of bringing high speed Internet to rural communities. Also, discussed meeting with Ken Schlager.
  6. Business Items:

    Update on Fiber Optics: Tim Stieve noted that White Construction has started where they left off last fall/winter. Discussed Training at OFS plants on Fiber Optic Cable. Discussed what to do regarding placing our own conduit around Reedsburg or going with the exchange of services with Reedsburg Utilities. The latest version of the agreement has us paying them $2,569.88 per year for being in their duct and one T-1 Circuit and a Gig Ethernet connection, in return we would need to provide them with 8 strands of Fiber. Phil noted that it still does not seem like a fair trade, fiber for empty duct. We have an additional request into them to go with dark fiber to the Human Services facility versus the T-1 & Gig Ethernet. The initial response was probably not but they will get back with us. After some discussion regarding what to do, motion was made by Montgomery that we install our own conduit around Reedsburg unless we can work out some sort of deal that is not a cost to Sauk County. Second by Hartje. Motion Carried. Discussed the electronics that will be needed to attach to the fiber. We have looked extensively at two products and have pricing from at least one other known vendor. To date the Turin equipment appears to be the most reasonably priced. They make a version of equipment that none of the other vendors have that still gives us OC-48 capabilities but is about 1/3 the cost. They have a program where we can try the product and if we don't like it or it does not work we can send it back. We do need to issue a PO and then we can try it for 30 days. The total of the PO is $36,000. Steve Pate noted they have done similar types of "try & buy" programs and the issued the PO with a note that it is contingent upon County Board Approval. It was suggested that we see if we can get up to 60 days to try it out and then if we like it a resolution could go to the May County Board. Move by Stevens, second by Sinklair to issue the PO for the three units to Turin Networks.
    Motion Carried.

    Merrimac: Not much activity as we wait on the moratorium.

    Courthouse: Nothing to report. With this site being a lower priority for now, we will be dealing with this one last.

    Hemlock: Lavalle Telephone Company's final testing of Fiber has just been completed. The fiber that was owned by TechCom is now going to be owned by Reedsburg Utilities. Will be working on completing this connection. However, we have limited capacity on the existing microwave to get back to Happy Hill.

    Lake Delton: Equipment all installed just waiting for Fiber Optics to be completed so we can switch from the existing tower to this tower which probably won't be until June or July. Discussed the Resolution approving the Lease with the Town of Delton and the lease with Wisconsin Power & Light for space on the tower. Tim noted that the resolution was drawn up by Todd Liebman and all the contract stuff was handled through Todd. Tim noted the 30% cost share for the Town was placed in there by Todd, Tim noted he thought that the Town had wanted 50%. Tim noted we would have to get back with the Town and that the percentage may need to go up. Moved by Hartje, second by Stevens to approve the resolution.
    Motion Carried.

    Hillpoint: Still working with Wittman and also trying to see where we are at on the White Mound Park Lease. Don Stevens had talked to a County Board person in Richland County who informed Don that we could condemn the property we need. Todd Liebman who had just arrived at the meeting noted that condemning State property was not something that could be done. Tim noted he had heard from a John O'Brien who is with Senator Dale Schultz's office, who was going to check into the status of the lease with the DNR at Whitemound Park.

    Sauk City: All the equipment that we have is installed. Still waiting for a couple more items to arrive, taking a little longer to get here than we originally thought. Hopefully we can have this site up and running in a week or two.

    Spring Green: Todd working with Neuheisel Attorney on negotiations.

  7. Closed session:

    Move by Hartje, second by Montgomery to go to closed session. Roll Call vote: Hartje - yes, Montgomery - yes, Sinklair - yes, Stevens - yes, Bychinski - yes.

    Committee reconvened in Open session.

  8. Adjournment:

Motion by Hartje, second by Stevens to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, April 8th, 2005