DATE: August 9th, 2005
Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Charlie Montgomery, Don Stevens
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Mark Cupp, Gene Wiegand, Dan Ruetten
Update on Fiber Optics: Tim handed
out an update and map from Ellis McFadzen and reviewed.
Discussed Fiber Optic Equipment Resolution. Reviewed
pricing received from Turin Networks and Lucent Technologies.
Also discussed background checks being positive. Move
by Montgomery, 2nd by Stevens to approve the resolution
authorizing the purchase of fiber optic equipment from
Turin Networks.
Merrimac: Should be closing on property purchase within the next couple weeks.
Hillpoint: Lease/Purchase agreement is signed and returned, will deliver lease payment this Friday and moving forward. Tim noted that a change in federal NEPA report requirements will delay construction. Archaeological and Architectural surveys must now be completed before construction can begin. Could delay it up to three months. Plan on attending September Board of Adjustments meeting regarding this site.
Lake Delton: Hemlock: Sauk City: Nothing new to report. Waiting for Fiber optic to be completed to get Lake Delton and Hemlock up to 100%. Provided the DNR Easement goes according to plan and nothing else changes the fiber optics along with the equipment should be at a point where we can connect these sites around Mid-September.
Courthouse: Nothing new to report.
Spring Green: Nothing new to report.
Respectfully submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, August 15, 2005