DATE: November 2nd, 2005
Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Charlie Montgomery, Don Stevens, Rob Sinklair
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Mark Cupp, Todd Liebman, Ellis McFadzen
Update on Fiber Optics: Ellis McFadzen provided a written update as well as a larger map that included the tower sites. This map will be handed out to all County Board members. Ellis went through the report. Tim noted that we are still waiting for the power plant equipment to start the setup of the Fiber equipment.
Merrimac: Guy wire tensioning is completed along with the painting. Tim noted that he was not happy with the painting and is waiting for As-built to address that. The compound is completed, driveway improved and fencing installed. Just waiting for the side arms and painting issue to be addressed before we can put antennas on.
Hillpoint: Driveway into the site started on Monday should be done today. Waiting to hear from Daniel's Construction on when they will start, tentatively talking next week.
Happy Hill: Waiting for some materials and waiting for fiber connections to LEC then we can start replacing antennas and feedlines. Everything being changed here is in use so will require good planning and timing to assure the least amount of interruption on the channels.
Lake Delton: Hemlock: Sauk City; Spring Green; Courthouse; Nothing new to report.
Closed Session: Move by Montgomery, second by Stevens to move to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e). Roll call vote: Montgomery - Yes, Hartje - Yes, Sinklair - Yes, Bychinski - Yes, Stevens - Yes. Moved to closed session.
Submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, November 3rd, 2005