Communications Infrastructure Committee

DATE: December 14th, 2005

Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Charlie Montgomery, Rob Sinklair

Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Tim Zumm, Todd Liebman, Mark Cupp

  1. Meeting called to order by Chair Bychinski at 7:33 a.m. certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt agenda: Motion by Montgomery, second by Hartje to adopt agenda. Carried.
  3. Adopt minutes: Motion by Hartje, second by Sinklair to approve minutes of last meeting.
  4. Public Comment: None.
  5. Communications: None.
  6. Business Items: Update on Spring Green: Todd Liebman handed out copies of the resolution to purchase the Neuheisel Property at a cost of $95,000. Todd indicated he had meet with the Neuheisels and their Attorney on Friday December 9th and that everything was fine with them. Move by Hartje, second by Sinklair to approve the resolution to purchase the Neuheisel property at a cost of $95,000 and authorize the Corporation Counsel and EMBS Director to take all necessary action to construct a tower on the property.
  7. Next Meeting: January 4th, 2005 at 7:30 a.m. at the West Baraboo Garage, West Baraboo.
  8. Adjourn: Move to adjourn by Montgomery, second by Hartje.
    Carried .

Submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, December 20th, 2005