DATE: February 14, 2005
The regular meeting of the Environmental Resources Committee - Solid Waste Management Department was called to order at 8:00 a.m. in Room 213 of the Sauk County West Square Building. Chairman Haugen certified compliance with the open meetings law in that the meeting was properly posted and all parties duly notified.
Member present: Haugen, Stevens, Lombard, Cassity, Krueger
Also present: Carroll, Weigand
Motion was made by Cassity and seconded by Stevens to adopt the agenda as mailed.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Lombard to approve the minutes of the previous.
Motion carried.
Following a discussion of the bills, motion was made by Lombard and seconded by Cassity to approve payment of the bills presented, totaling $109,704.26.
Motion carried.
Supervisor Lombard distributed copies of a memo received from Supervisor Wheeler regarding her efforts to set up a forum on plasma waste conversion technology, which was briefly discussed by the Committee.
Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator appeared before the Committee to report an inquiry received from the City Administrator as to whether or not Sauk County would be interested in facilitating the relocation of the Onyx transfer station. The solid waste manager suggeted that Committee members resist efforts to relocated such facility to the Sauk County Landfill site in order to preserve County options for resumption of solid waste operations if market conditions demanded it. Discussion followed regarding the results of previous meetings with the City of Baraboo & Onyx regarding Sauk County's own transfer station investigations, possible transfer station site alternatives, and other local market options available for waste disposal. The general consensus of the Committee was that the County should not play an active role in the matter, nor should Sauk County interfere with private competition. If however, the City of Baraboo or Onyx had a specific proposal for County consideration, then it was incumbent upon those parties to bring the specifics to the appropriate County Committee(s) for further consideration.
The Committee heard a report from the sold waste manager regarding his recommendations for the utilization of the remaining airspace and the disposition of the solid waste program. The solid waste manager recommended reopening the landfill to commercial traffic, siting poor participation rates and negligible waste volumes with higher rates & reduced hours of operation over the past two months, and a desire to wrap up Department operations as soon as possible in order to conserve financial resources for more important matters, such as site buffers and restoration. The solid waste manager reviewed some of the projects he would like to get wrapped up before the proposed target date of June 30, 2005 at which point the Committee could choose to terminate Department operations. The solid waste manager estimated that his proposal would extend the remaining funds of the Solid Waste Department by ten years or more than under current projections in which the County retains staffing and a basic solid waste program into the future. Supervisor Krueger objected to elements of the plan and advocated for retaining the Clean Sweep program for 2005. Following further discussion, motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Stevens directing the solid waste manager to fill the remaining airspace at the landfill as soon as possible and to reopen the landfill site to commercial traffic at the minimum rate of $20 per ton. Motion carried. Haugen opposed.
The solid waste manager reported that, in response to methane detections in a gas probe north of the active landfill, he has taken action to accelerate the construction of the remaining portions of the gas extraction system, a project which was budgeted for in 2005. The solid waste manager further reported that he had retained RMT, Inc. to prepare plans & specs for bidding purposes and for construction observation & documentation in accordance with previous authorities and in accordance with code requirements. The solid waste manager estimated that construction would be completed by May, 2005. Following discussions regarding gas migration, possible groundwater impacts, and recovery for energy production, motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Lombard to proceed with the gas system project as detained by the solid waste manager. Motion carried.
The solid waste manager reported that the Shaw property was again on the market and requested directives as to Committee's position on acquistion. Following discussion of asking price, funding availability, and acquisiton procedures, motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Stevens to table further discussion on the matter pending the gathering of additional information on funding availability.
The solid waste manager recommended proceeding with the development of a final use/conservation plan for the landfill property. Following discussion of the purpose and probable scope of the project and consultant services proposed, motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Lombard to proceed with the development of a scope of work for plan development for future consideration by the Committee.
The next regular meeting was set for Tuesday, March 9, 2005 at 8:00a.m. Motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Stevens to adjourn. Motion carried.