Environmental Resources Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: JUNE 7, 2005


The regular meeting of the Environmental Resources Committee - Solid Waste Management Department was called to order at 8:00 a.m. in Room 326B of the Sauk County West Square Building. Chairman Haugen certified compliance with the open meetings law in that the meeting was properly posted and all parties duly notified.


Member present: Haugen, Stevens, Lombard, Cassity

Also present: Carroll


Motion was made by Stevens and seconded by Lombard to adopt the agenda as mailed.
Motion carried.


Motion was made Cassity and seconded by Lombard to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written.
Motion carried.


Following a discussion of the bills, motion was made
by Stevens and seconded by Cassity to approve payment of the bills presented, totaling $99,096.47. Motion carried.


No comments were heard from the general public.


The solid waste manager presented and reviewed a draft copy of a resolution which would compensate the RAHS for work performed at the landfill site cleaning up windblown debris. Upon discussion of resolution language, costs incurred by RAHS, amount of compensation, and targets for the funds, motion was made by Stevens and seconded by Lombard to make a grant of $2,000.00 to the RAHS earth sciences program in recognition of work performed by RAHS students and staff. Motion carried. The solid waste manager was directed to revise the resolution as discussed and forward the same to the full County Board for consideration.


The solid waste manager presented a proposal received from NRC, Inc. concerning the development of a conservation/final use plan for the landfill property as planned for in the 2005 solid waste department budget. The solid waste manager reviewed the purpose and intent of the plan. Discussion followed with regard to cost of the plan, the need for professional advise, cost of implementation, plan development alternatives, and potential uses of the landfill property. Motion was made by Lombard and seconded by Krueger to accept the NRC, Inc. proposal and submit the resolution regarding the conservation/final use plan to the full County Board for further consideration. Motion failed. Steven, Haugen and Cassity opposed. Chairman Haugen suggested the the Committee meet again at the landfill site on Friday, June 10, 2005 to tour the property and discuss restoration/conservation issues.


The solid waste manager reported that the party who had expressed an interest in the landfill compactor had withdrawn his offer, and that the landfill compactor was still available. The solid waste manager reported that he had another offer from an equipment dealer at $155,000.00. Upon discussion, motion was made by Stevens and seconded by Cassity to reject the latest offer and to advertise the compactor for sale.
Motion carried.


The next regular meeting was set for Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 8:00 am. Motion was made by Lombard and seconded by Stevens to adjourn. Motion carried. In addition, the Committee decided to convene a special meeting at the landfill site on Friday, June 10, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. to discuss the proposed conservation plan. It was decided to invite representatives from the Administrative Coordinator's office, Parks Department and Land Conservation Department to this meeting.