Environmental Resources Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: JULY 5, 2005


The regular meeting of the Environmental Resources Committee - Solid Waste Management Department was called to order at 8:00 a.m. in Room 326B of the Sauk County West Square Building. Vice-Chairman Lombard certified compliance with the open meetings law in that the meeting was properly posted and all parties duly notified.


Member present: Stevens, Lombard, Cassity, Krueger

Also present: Carroll, Meister


Motion was made by Stevens and seconded by Krueger to adopt the agenda as mailed.
Motion carried.


Motion was made Cassity and seconded by Stevens to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written.
Motion carried.


Following a discussion of the bills, motion was made by Cassity and seconded by Krueger to approve payment of the bills presented, totaling $23,991.59.
Motion carried.


No comments were heard from the general public.


Chip Meister of the Sauk County Sheriff's Dept. appeared before the Committee and expressed an interest in utilizing the solid waste facilities upon dissolution of the solid waste department at the end of 2005. Specifically, Mr. Meister identified the maintenance building and the large paved areas for driver training as areas of interest. Upon discussion of the time frame for solid waste department dissolution, remaining need for access to facilities, responsibility for utilities and maintenance and a discussion of range activities, motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Cassity to give tentative approval to the proposal of the Sheriff's Department for utilization of solid waste site facilities, and to include such recommendations in the conservation/final use plan currently under development.
Motion carried


The solid waste manager reported that the Sheriff's Department would soon begin to supply Huber Center inmates to clean up the windblown debris at the landfill site. The solid waste manager reported that work had not yet begun due to the high temps and vacation conflicts, etc. Supervisor Krueger suggested utilization of migrant workers and reported about Lakeside Food's use of such labor forces. Upon discussion of probable costs, transportation issues, and insurance/liabilities, motion was made by Cassity and seconded by Stevens to delegate authority to the solid waste manager to hire seasonal laborers, if necessary, to complete the cleanup of the landfill property. Motion carried. The solid waste manager was directed to check with the Sauk County Personnel Department concerning the feasibility of using seasonal/migrant workers.


The next regular meeting was set for Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 8:00 am. Motion was made by Cassity and seconded by Stevens to adjourn. Motion carried. Supervisor Krueger requested that the agenda for the next meeting include a discussion of the upcoming Clean Sweep program.