DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2005
The regular meeting of the Environmental Resources Committee - Solid Waste Management Department was called to order at 8:00 a.m. in Room 326A of the Sauk County West Square Building. Chairman Haugen certified compliance with the open meetings law in that the meeting was properly posted and all parties duly notified.
Member present: Haugen, Stevens, Lombard, Cassity, Krueger
Also present: Carroll, Schauf, Meister
Motion was made by Lombard and seconded by Krueger to adopt the
agenda as mailed.
Motion carried.
Motion was made Lombard and seconded by Stevens to approve the
minutes of the previous meeting as written.
Motion carried.
Following a discussion of the bills, motion was made by Krueger
and seconded by Lombard to approve payment of the bills presented,
totaling $210,215.24.
Motion carried.
No public comment.
Kathy Schauf, Interim Administrative Coordinator, appeared before the Committee to report her expectations for the Administrative Coordinator’s office in the coming months and her efforts to improve communications between County departments, Committees, and the Administrative Coordinator.
Kathy Schauf and the solid waste manager outlined the need for a work plan/transition plan for the solid waste department in order to clearly set forth the responsible parties for solid waste site activities and the possible changes to the delivery and oversight of solid waste site activities which are likely to occur over the next year. The plan needs to address staffing issues, regulatory requirements, work to be completed, the disposition of the Environmental Resources Committee, public education and oversight of long-term care functions. After a brief discussion, the consensus of the group was that the Committee should try to have such plan completed for consideration at the organizational session of the County Board in April, 2006. More immediately, the Committee discussed the need for a description of the solid waste manager work activities and responsibilities for 2006 in order to provide further information for the 2006 budget adoption process. The solid waste manager stated he would prepare such a description for consideration at the November meeting.
Chip Meister of the Sauk County Sheriff’s Department appeared before
the Committee to discuss the Sheriff’s Department usage of the maintenance
building at the landfill site. Following a discussion of other potential
future uses of the building (Sauk County tree sale, Clean Sweep) and alternative
locations for such events and future accommodationsfor other County events,
as well as improvements to be made to the building (concrete floor, internal
structures), motion was made by Stevens and seconded by Krueger to allow
the Sheriff’s Department immediate access to the maintenance building.
Motion carried.
The solid waste manager presented a synopsis of the current 2006 solid waste department budget proposal, and reviewed recent changes to the budget with respect to preservation of the solid waste manager position through 2006 and related fiscal impacts. Following discussion, motion was made by Krueger and seconded by Lombard to adopt the modified budget as presented. Motion carried. Discussion followed concerning educating other County Board members about the responsibilities of the solid waste manager position and work activities planned for 2006.
The next regular meeting was set for Tuesday, November 8, 2005
at 8:00 am. Supervisor Krueger requested a report of Clean
Sweep results at next month’s meeting, if the final report and invoicing
was available at that time. Motion was made by Lombard and
seconded by Stevens to adjourn.
Motion carried.