DATE: Tuesday, May 3, 2005
TIME: 8:30am
Room 213
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI
Members Present: P. Endres, C. Montgomery, H. Sprecher, and V. Hartje. Absent: W. Wenzel.
Others Present: G. Wiegand, B. Mielke, T. Liebman, T. Stieve, D. Keylock, C. Ederer-Sklar, K. Schauf, D. Loether, K. Hardin, T. Wise, K. Stieve, and news media representative.
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairperson Sprecher at 8:30 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.
Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Endres to approve the agenda for today's
meeting, but change the order of items to allow the report of the Administrative
Coordinator to be presented early on, due to a meeting conflict.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hartje, seconded by Endres to approve the minutes of the April
5 and 19, 2005 meetings, as mailed.
Motion carried.
Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, presented his monthly report and list of bills and noted the following items of recent interest/activity:
Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Hartje to approve the report as presented
(no list of bills was included).
Motion carried.
The following individuals spoke in support of forming a Level B Hazmat Team: Dave Loether, representing the Sauk City Fire Department; Kevin Hardin, Director of Safety with SYSCO; Terry Wise, Baraboo Area Ambulance Director; and Kevin Stieve, Baraboo Fire Chief.
No person appeared to support or present this resolution. The Vice-Chair chose to reschedule it as an item to address later in the meeting, in an attempt to allow time to locate information regarding it.
Tim Stieve presented survey information and discussed with Committee members
details concerning the formation of a Level B Hazmat Team. Considerable
discussion followed with a motion by Sprecher to recommend forwarding the
resolution to the County Board for reconsideration and final decision.
This motion received no second. Motion was then made by Endres, seconded
by Montgomery to table this matter.
Motion carried.
Diane Keylock, Benefits Specialist with the Veterans Office, presented
the monthly report and list of bills for April. Moved by Hartje, seconded
by Endres to approve the report, including requests to attend TRIP training
in Milwaukee, June 13 - 16, 2005 and WDVA accreditation in Madison on June
28 - 30, 2005, and the monthly list of bills in the amount of $4,361.76.
Motion carried.
Corene Ederer-Sklar, Emergency Management Director, presented the monthly
report and list of bills for her department. Corene noted a poor in-house
response was received at the recent statewide tornado drill held on April
21st. Motion by Endres, seconded by Hartje to approve the report and list
of bills in the amount of $13,216.00.
Motion carried.
B. Mielke, County Clerk, presented the monthly report and list of bills for her department.
Motion by Hartje, seconded by Montgomery to approve the report and list
of bills in the amount of $5,633.34.
Motion carried.
K. Schauf, representing the Administrative Coordinator, appeared before
the Committee and presented a draft resolution regarding the appointment
of Strategic Planning Committees. Discussion followed relative to progress
made in strategic planning efforts to date and what future expectations
are. Motion by Endres, seconded by Montgomery to approve forwarding the
resolution to the County Board for consideration with the inclusion of
a timeline not to exceed February, 2006.
Motion carried.
A brief discussion followed regarding response time and responsibility in booking County meeting rooms. Supervisor Hartje indicated this item was on the agenda for the next Property and Insurance Committee meeting for consideration.
Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel, presented his monthly report and list
of bills. Motion by Hartje, seconded by Endres to approve the report, request
to attend the 2005 Municipal Attorneys Institute in Delavan, WI from June
22 - 24, 2005, and list of bills in the amount of $867.62.
Motion carried.
Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Endres to adjourn and set the next,
regular E&L meeting date for Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 8:30 A.M.
Motion carried and the meeting adjourned
at approximately 11:30 A.M.
Respectfully submitted: Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk