Executive & Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: Tuesday, November 1, 2005;
9:00 A.M.
West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room 213, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Wenzel, Endres, Montgomery, Hartje, and Sprecher.

Others Present: K. Schauf, T. Liebman, B. Mielke, T. Tyczynski, C. Ederer/Sklar, M. Koehler, K. Beghin, L. Haugen, and M. Gumz.

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wenzel at 9:00 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Hartje to approve the agenda, as amended. Motion carried.
Motion by Hartje, seconded by Endres to approve the minutes of the October 4, 2005 regular and October 10, 2005 joint E&L, Finance, Law Enforcement and Personnel committee meetings, as mailed.
Motion carried.

Public Comment:



Kathy Schauf: Noted receipt of an informational brochure from WCA highlighting services offered by that organization and noted a recent meeting held with the City of Baraboo Administrator at which various issues of joint concern were discussed.

Paul Endres: Noted recent death of former Columbia County Board Chair Daniel J. See. The County Clerk was instructed to send a sympathy card to the family on behalf of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors.

Charles Montgomery: Inquiry regarding plans for the annual County Board Holiday Party. Consensus of Committee was to have the Administrative Coordinator and County Board Chair make plans for the event.

Consideration of a Resolution Opposing State Charges for Placements at Winnebago and Mendota:

Copies of a draft resolution entitled, “Requesting That the State Remove Costs for Placements at Mental Health Institutions from the Wisconsin Property Tax” were distributed and reviewed. Motion by Endres, seconded by Hartje to forward the resolution to the County Board for consideration at the November 15, 2005 meeting.
Motion carried.

Discussion and Consideration of the Duties and Powers of the Administrative Coordinator:

Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel, reviewed changes he drafted to the Sauk County Code of Ordinances regarding the position of Administrative Coordinator. Supervisor Sprecher suggested, and Committee members concurred, the Administrative Coordinator should continue to evaluate department heads, but follow up with a closed session with the appropriate oversight committee for review of the evaluation. The Corporation Counsel felt this procedure could be accomplished under provisions of the ordinance. M. Koehler, Personnel Director, weighed in on the discussion and expressed concern over liability issues relative to the procedure and cautioned whatever process is used, it must be fair and consistent. Motion by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to recommend the ordinance changes be brought forward to the County Board for consideration, including a change in Section 35.05(a) which would eliminate the words “appointed by the Administrative Coordinator under this paragraph” and include a change to be drafted by the Corporation Counsel regarding his position of service and its responsibility to the County Board. Motion carried. Committee members agreed that the County Personnel Department should be responsible for recruitment advertising for the position of Administrative Coordinator, as well as conducting background checks.

Discussion and Consideration of Mandatory Direct Deposit for the County Board of Supervisors:
Kerry Beghin, County Controller, addressed the Committee and noted some departments currently use direct deposit and recommended the E&L Committee mandate the system for use by all County Board members. Several Committee members did not feel comfortable deciding this issue at the committee level. Motion was then made by Montgomery, seconded by Endres to instruct the Controller to draft a resolution to be considered by the full County Board at the November 15, 2005 session recommending the use of direct deposit for County Board members. Motion carried.

Discussion of Strategic Planning Implementation Plan:

Kathy Schauf, Interim Administrative Coordinator, updated Committee members on the progress associated with the strategic planning process. Specifically covered were details associated with drafting a job description for County Board Supervisors as well as the development of a training manual.

Veterans Service Office:

Tony Tyczynski, Veterans Service Officer, presented the monthly report and list of bills for his department. Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Hartje to approve the report and monthly bills in the amount of $1,884.65.
Motion carried.

Emergency Management, Buildings & Safety:

Corene Ederer-Sklar, Emergency Management Direcor, presented the monthly report and list of bills for her department. Motion by Hartje, seconded by Endres to approve the report and monthly bills in the amount of $487.61.
Motion carried.

County Clerk Department:

Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk, presented the monthly report and list of bills for her department. Mielke announced the possibility exists for over-expendiutures to occur within this year’s election budget due to SVRS requirements and staff turnover in her office. Motion by Endres, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report, list of bills in an amount of $828.73, and a request to attend an educational planning meeting of the Wisconsin County Clerk’s Association Education Committee at UW/Green Bay on November 10, 2005 (meal & mileage).
Motion carried.

Corporation Counsel:

Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel, presented the monthly report and list of bills for his department. A discussion took place regarding Indian Trust Land transfer procedures. Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report and list of bills in the amount of $1,720.28.
Motion carried.

Administrative Coordinator:

Kathy Schauf, Interim Administrative Coordinator, presented the monthly report for her department. Her report centered on attendance at various committee meetings, specifically the Continuum of Care Committee, and other matters related to the strategic planning process, budget issues, and policy scan. She presented no bills for approval. Motion by Endres, seconded by Hartje to approve the report and request to attend a presentation on Labor Relations and Negotiations Under State & Federal Guidelines, December 6, 2005, $155. Motion carried.
A brief discussion on closure of the County landfill and its future use took place, including input from Environmental Resources Committee Chair, Lowell Haugen.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Hartje to adjourn and set the next, regular meeting for Monday, December 12, 2005 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:35 A.M.

Respectfully submitted: Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk