The special joint meeting of the Executive & Legislative and Personnel Committees was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by County Board Chairman Wenzel and certification of open meeting compliance was given.
Members present: S. Alexander, T. Bychinski, P. Endres, V. Hartje, T. Meister, C. Montgomery, H. Sprecher, P. Tollaksen, W. Wenzel
Others present: L. Haugen, T. Liebman, K. Schauf, M. Koehler, J. Briggs
County Board Chairman Wenzel opened the proceedings to nominations for a Chair of the Joint Meeting. Motion by P. Endres, second by V. Hartje to nominate W. Wenzel to preside as Chair of the Joint meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by C. Montgomery, second by P. Tollaksen to close nominations and elect Wenzel Chair of the joint meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by P. Endres, second by V. Hartje to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
Amending Chapters 13 and 35 of the Sauk County Code of Ordinances. (see attachment)
Corporation Counsel T. Liebman provided an overview to those present of the reasons for the suggested changes to Sauk County Code of Ordinances Chapter 13 and 35. Liebman stated that he drafted the amendments after concern was expressed by members of the Executive and Legislative Committee to have the authorities of the Administrative Coordinator in regard to hiring, termination and evaluation of department heads institutionalized. Liebman continued that the revisions which reference the position of the Corporation Counsel were included after a discussion he had with the Executive and Legislative Committee regarding his belief that the level of professionalism required by the Corporation Counsel sets it apart from other non-elected department heads thus requiring a separate mechanism for supervision, reporting and evaluation.
Discussion continued with various members of both committees expressing concerns with the amendments whether the language was too limiting, or if more stringent language was required. Another concern expressed was that the current language provided too much authority to Administrative Coordinator in the hiring and termination of department heads. Personnel Director M. Koehler noted the Personnel Ordinance currently requires all terminations to be discussed with and approved by the Personnel Director prior to a termination being acted upon and further allows/requires an active role of the oversight committee in the selection process for department heads.
P. Endres stated there are three specific issues which are impacted by the amendments:
Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by S. Alexander to amend the amendment to read:
nydepartment head appointed by the Administrative Coordinator under this paragraph may beremovedsuspended with pay by the Administrative Coordinator pending investigation. Tthe Administrative Coordinator shall consult with the Corporation Counsel, Personnel Director, and the department's oversight committee and the Personnel Committee to remove a department head.
A department head appointed by the Administrative Coordinator may be removed at the pleasure of the Administrative Coordinator. However, Tthe Administrative Coordinator shall consult with the Corporation Counsel, Personnel Director, and the department's oversight committee.
Motion carried.
The Committee members then asked Interim Administrative Coordinator K. Schauf for input. Schauf expressed concern that the new language had the potential for politicizing an employment dispute and the possibility for a political quagmire should the oversight and Personnel committee reach an impasse. Strong effective communication of performance expectations and the roles of the Administrative Coordinator, Committees and staff is the key element to success for the County.
Motion by S. Alexander, second by P. Tollaksen to have the Personnel Committee present a resolution to the full County Board revising Chapters 13 and 35 with amended language to provide for the inclusion of the Personnel Committee, to be drafted by the Corporation Counsel. Votes cast:
Personnel Committee, Meister - No, Montgomery - Aye, Tollaksen - Aye, Bychinski - Aye, Alexander - Aye. Ayes - 4, No - 1. Motion carried.
Motion by C. Montgomery, second by V. Hartje to have the Executive and Legislative Committee present a resolution to the full County Board revising Chapters 13 and 35 with amended language to provide for the inclusion of the Personnel Committee, to be drafted by the Corporation Counsel. Votes cast:
Executive & Legislative Committee: Wenzel - Aye, Sprecher - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Hartje - Aye, Endres - No. Ayes - 4, No - 1. Motion Carried.
Motion by T. Bychinski, second by P. Tollaksen to adjourn the joint meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Peter Tollaksen, Personnel Committee Secretary