The special joint committee meeting was called to order by Chairman Wenzel at 9:30 am, and certification of open meeting compliance was given.
Members present: William F. Wenzel, Arthur Carlson, Peter Tollaksen, Virgil Hartje, Tom Kriegl, Rob Sinklair, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Al Dippel, Paul Endres, Charlie Montgomery, Joan Fordham
Members excused: Halsey Sprecher
Others present: Gene Wiegand, Kerry Beghin, Randy Stammen, Michael Hafemann, Don Stevens, Lowell Haugen
The agenda was approved on a motion by Montgomery, second by Carlson, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
The minutes were approved on a motion by Fordham, second by Tollaksen, and a unanimous vote of the Committee, with the addition of language by Kriegl.
Captain Michael Hafemann noted that he and the Sheriff have contacted Iowa, Wood, Rock and Dane Counties regarding their future interest in housing prisoners in the Sauk County jail. Iowa County expects continued use, but is not willing to contract for beds. Wood County currently contracts with Adams County and uses Sauk County for beds needed in excess of what is available in Adams County. Wood County is not willing to contract for future beds at Sauk County, however. Dane and Rock Counties are willing to contract for beds.
The Sheriff prefers creation of a committee to begin negotiations with other counties. A resolution has been drafted for May County Board consideration to authorize negotiations with other county governments to house prisoners from their jurisdictions in the Sauk County Law Enforcement Center. Negotiations would include items to protect Sauk County, such as the originating county paying for their prisoners' medical expenses, psychological expenses, transportation or damages incurred. It will be important to consider the price per bed and duration of contracts. We would stipulate that the inmates we accept must have complete paperwork, should be with no or minimal mental or physical health needs, and that the inmates will be returned to their originating jurisdiction if they become problematic. Motion by Hartje, second by Tollaksen to forward the resolution to the County Board in May.
Motion by Kriegl to reword the fourth whereas to say "Whereas, your committees authorize contract negotiations with these counties to determine if such contracts are in the best financial interest of Sauk County". Motion fails due to lack of a second.
Montgomery called the question, with a second by Tollaksen. Roll call vote: Aye: Dippel, Fordham, Wenzel, Bychinski, Montgomery, Hartje, Endres, Carlson, Tollaksen, Sinklair. Nay: Kriegl.
Vote on the original resolution: Law Enforcement Committee: All aye. Executive and Legislative Committee: All aye. Finance Committee: Kriegl opposed, with the remainder in approval.
Motion by Dippel, second by Tollaksen to adjourn. Tollaksen withdrew his second to adjourn so that discussion could continue regarding the appointment and composition of the negotiating committee.
Based on the Rules of the Board, there is not enough time between now and the County Board meeting for the County Board members to review Chairman Wenzel's proposals for negotiating committee membership. This will have to be done at the June County Board meeting. However, the resolution, if approved, does authorize the Sheriff to begin negotiations and make contact with the other counties.
Motion by Dippel, second by Endres to adjourn. Motion carried.