DATE: June 1, 2005
Members present: William F. Wenzel, Tom Kriegl, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Al Dippel, Joan Fordham
Others present: Gene Wiegand, Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Joan Wheeler, Larry Volz, Rose White, Bob Cassity, Halsey Sprecher, Lowell Haugen, Judith Stoeckmann, Scott Alexander, members of the media and public
The special committee meeting was called to order by Chairman Dippel at 6:00 pm, and certification of open meeting compliance was given.
The agenda was approved on a motion by Wenzel, second by Fordham, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, opened by discussing the likely property tax levy limit facing Sauk County for the 2006 budget. Wiegand anticipates sales tax growth of 6.69 percent, equating to approximately $425,000. Major State and Federal funding sources are expected to remain static or decrease. Departmental fees and charges will be reviewed so that they are in line with costs and comparable fees in the area. Ongoing operating expenses for wages are expected to increase about 3.00 percent, or about $747,000. Health insurance for the County's employees is expected to increase 15.00 percent, or $783,000. If capital outlay remains as anticipated during the 2005 budget, there will be need for another $357,000. In all, the 2006 budget will likely afford continuing operations, but there is not likely room for additional programs.
Chairman Dippel then entertained comments from those who wished to speak.
Martha Greco: Concerned about the care given to those without a voice: animals, the environment, and residents at the Sauk County Health Care Center.
Ben Stewart: Discussed opening of jail unit A and his projections of the number of prisoners needed for the opening to be viable.
Ray Borkenhagen: Concerned that opening of jail unit A could divert funding from social services programs.
Curt Meine: Wished these meetings and all the County's major issues were more publicized.
Lowell Haugen: Would like to see a stop to approval of big ticket items. Consider the taxpayer and education.
Bob Cassity: Would like to see a public forum whereby the County's big issues are better communicated to the public.
Larry Volz: Wants more information on dollar changes.
Rose White: Believes in the value of public services.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Wenzel to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Joan Fordham, Finance Committee Secretary