Finance Committee
Meeting Minutes

2006 Budget (Sep 13, 14, 15)

Members present: Al Dippel, Joan Fordham, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Tom Kriegl, Bill Wenzel

Others present: Kerry Beghin, Gene Wiegand, Carol Gasser, Kathy Schauf, Lowell Haugen, Halsey Sprecher, Paul Endres, Art Carlson, Media

A. Dippel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Certification that the open meeting requirement was met. The Administrative Coordinator's budget recommendations were distributed to committee members at the start of the meeting.

Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

Discussion and consideration of budget requests commenced. Wiegand discussed his recommendations as time permitted. Intent is to augment the contingency fund due to uncertainties in fuel costs related to Hurricane Katrina.

Highway - Darin Carignan, Steve Muchow

Increased costs and reduced revenues from the state have resulted in increased levy in 2006. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested. Maintenance costs increase as highways age if adequate funding is not available for reconstruction.

Veterans Service - Tony Tyczynski

Increase in transportation of veterans costs of 10%. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Sauk Prairie Airport - Jim Kazmierczak

Discussed improvements that are being proposed for the airport. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as recommended by the Transportation and Parks Committee.

Humane Society - Wendy Schneider

Updated committee on program initiatives. There was discussion on township compliance with dog licensing. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Land Conservation - Joe VanBerkel

Slight increase in requested amounts. Most are generated by increased labor costs up to 9.91 full-time equivalents with proposed 2006 budget. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget with the addition of a half time position for conservation initiatives.

Public Health Departments - Bonnie Konkel

Mass vaccination program has been at the forefront. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Human Services - Bill Orth, Lynn Horkan, Dan Brattset

A review of changes in program areas and associated costs was conducted. The department is pursuing options for lowering costs of high cost placements. Discussion of unfunded and under-funded mandates was included. Birth to Three was used to highlight this issue. New revenue sources were reviewed. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Tri-County Airport - Marc Higgs

The goal at the airport is to create a budget that is able to operate independent of county support. Increasing revenues and holding the line on expenses is hopeful to make this process possible over the next ten years. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as recommended by the Transportation and Parks Committee. Higgs reviewed improvements.

The committee recessed for lunch. Hearings to resume at 1:00 p.m.

Planning and Zoning, Board of Adjustment, Baraboo Range - Lance Gurney

Planning and Zoning - Update on comprehensive planning initiatives. County comprehensive planning process will begin in subsequent years. On track for completion in 2009. 2005 began flat fee structure. Shift in personnel costs is a result of increase in labor and benefits. Farmland Preservation initiatives are at the forefront with possibly more progressive programs being instituted. Possible use of $199,000 in carryforward funds in 2007 to fund proposals. May be exceeding 2005 budget for increase in vehicle fuel costs. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested, with a slight technical adjustment.

Board of Adjustment - 50 cases per year average. Ongoing trend for past five or six years. Levy increase is due to personnel costs.

Baraboo Range - $1,000,000 left for acquisition purposes. The position is funded through 2008.

Corporation Counsel - Todd Liebman

No changes in programmatic areas. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Surveyor - Patrick Dederich

Proposed reduction of work that is contracted out for maintenance of section corners and setting new corners. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Sheriff, Jail Assessment, Drug Seizures- Randy Stammen, Richard Meister, Joe Prantner, Michael Hafemann

Sheriff - Budget was presented with the opening of Pod A for housing out of county prisoners. Revenue estimates are conservative. Budget ramifications if A Pod is not opened were also discussed, the result being an increased levy impact. The Sheriff feels there is a need for reasonably priced beds from multiple sources, allowing for meeting revenue projections. The Sheriff requested guidance from the Finance Committee as to how the budget should proceed, with or without the opening of A Pod. Revenue and expenditure estimates were investigated and discussed. Ramifications of contracting for the short term, and proceeding with negotiations was also discussed. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Jail Assessment - The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Drug Seizures - The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Hope House - Bev Simmonds

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Fair Board (Sauk County Agriculture Society) - Shana Cassity

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham to adjourn until 8:30 a.m. on September 14, 2005. Motion carried.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005, 8:30 a.m. Motion by Fordham, second by Bychinski to adopt the agenda and reconvene the Finance Committee budget hearings. Motion carried.

County Clerk / Elections - Bev Mielke

Elections budget highlights increased number of elections as well as changes in voting registration procedures. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Reedsburg Airport - Bill Meyer

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as recommended by the Transportation and Parks Committee.

Sauk County Development Corporation - Karna Hanna, Merlin Zitzner

Hanna reviewed ongoing projects from previous years that are indicative of core mission of the organization. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Disabled Parking Enforcement Assistance Council - Steven Pribbenow

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Clerk of Courts - Donna Mueller, Terri Radke

Increase in costs of appointed counsel and interpreter services. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Health Care Center - Jeanne Leeke, Lisa Buttonow

Reviewed impacts that closing the developmentally disabled unit will have. Staff to patient ratio will increase as admissions are halted and placement within the community is undertaken, increasing overall costs to run the unit. Other revenues are up slightly. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Conservation Congress - Ken Vertien

Increased costs have fueled the increased request for funding. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Court Commissioner, Family Court Counseling Service - Leo Grill

Family Court Counseling revenues are struggling to exceed the costs of providing the programs. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund these budgets as requested, but shift staff time so that Family Court Counseling is not in a deficit position.

Emergency Management Building Services - Tim Stieve

Building Services - Discussion of costs for maintaining structures, most have remained consistent. Greatest increase in cost was utilities for the Law Enforcement Center. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to reduce the budget by outlay of $25,000 for a tractor with bucket and blade, and increase personnel costs to cover opening of Pod A by $48,385. Utility costs would need to be increased by approximately $44,000 for the opening of Pod A. Phone system upgrade costs have been annualized.

Emergency Management - Discussed Lake Redstone Dam Mitigation project, and capital outlay requests.

Building projects - Sheltered Workshop expansion: Viroqua Area Rehabilitation Center is in need of additional warehouse space as discussed by the Capital Improvements Team. Other projects were discussed.

Insurance Fund - No tax levy impact. Anticipated fund balance level is $660,000 at the end of 2005. Property and Insurance Committee is evaluating wise uses of fund balance, such as purchasing equipment that could mitigate future injuries or employee health fair. This fund is for deductibles, and rare uninsured incidents. The county is not self insured.

The committee recessed for lunch. Hearings to resume at 1:00 p.m.

Coroner - Betty Hinze

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Accounting - Kerry Beghin

There was discussion regarding the impact to Accounting with the Administrative Coordinator's proposed change of the Management Analyst position to Assistant Administrative Coordinator. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested with a change to the half time position.

Register in Probate - James Daniels

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested with a technical correction.

Treasurer - Kerry Beghin

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Management Information Services, Mapping, Land Records - Steve Pate

Mapping - Levy request down due to the deletion of a position.

Management Information Services - Increases due to rising maintenance costs.

Land Records Modernization - Completion of orthophotography is slated for 2006. Investigating the hiring of summer interns to tackle a consolidated list of digitization projects for land records offices.

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund these budgets as requested.

Non-Departmental Budgets - Kerry Beghin

This budget includes all revenues (such as sales tax discount, county sales tax, shared revenue etc.) and expenses that are not included in existing budgets. General Fund Applied is comprised of a portion of the contingency fund and vacancy and turnover factor for $1,000,000, $1,700,000 for the remainder of the communications project, $100,000 for UW Baraboo / Sauk County seed money for Living and Learning Center, and $1,000,000 for the Sheltered Workshop. Expenditures are comprised of transfers and the contingency fund. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund these accounts as requested.

Rental Properties - Kerry Beghin

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Debt Service - Kerry Beghin

There are no new issues or changes for 2006. No refundings have been anticipated. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Community Development Block Grant Loans - Gene Wiegand

This revolving loan program was explained. Goal is to cycle redevelopment funds for community development into the community. Will require a board for the re-distribution of funds.

Register of Deeds - Brent Bailey

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested with a technical change in regard to MIS charges and the use of Land Records Modernization funds.

Solid Waste - John Carroll

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested with significant changes in personnel. Management will be required in 2006 to effectuate final close, monitoring, and development of a long term plan for the land.

Sauk County Historical Society - Peter Shrake, Bev Vaillancourt

Presented request for funding renovations to Attridge building. This will not impact future operating budgets through increased appropriation requests. The release of the money will require further negotiation, with information regarding whether or not the building is in the flood plain, etc. It was noted that this is a departure from past policy of not funding bricks and mortar projects.

Circus World Museum - Bob Thomasgard

The state owns the property and historical collections at Circus World. Operations were conducted through a lease / partnership agreement. Working on a separate piece of legislation to provide for additional resources from the state. Looking for a variety of funding from local government and private sources. The request will be used for off season programing. It is hoped that this investment will result in additional revenues. This is a one time only request used for leveraging private fund raising. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation - Kathy Schauf

Request includes increase in per diems and mileage only for citizen members. Other increases are represented in outside agency requests.

Motion by Wenzel, second by Fordham to adjourn until 8:00 a.m. on September 15, 2005. Motion carried.

Thursday, September 15, 2005, 8:00 a.m. Motion by Fordham, second by Bychinski to adopt the agenda and reconvene the Finance Committee budget hearings. Motion carried.

Wisconsin River Rail Transit - Virgil Kasper, Rob Sinklair

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested. It was noted that although this is the case for 2006 it is uncertain that this funding level can be sustained over the long term.

Circuit Courts - Judge Evenson, Janell Lennon

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested with an increase to the law clerks hourly rate.

District Attorney - Pat Barrett, Ruth Steinhorst

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Child Support - Karyl Johnson

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Parks - Steve Koenig

Discussed programs and initiatives including operating efficiencies at the Park. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Sauk County Library Board - Bev Vaillancourt, Ken Grant, various librarians

Library usage and statistics regarding circulation were distributed. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested, noting that this may not be sustainable in the long run.

UW-Extension, Alice in Dairyland - Paul Dietmann

UW Extension - Brief discussion of changes to the 2006 budget. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Alice in Dairyland - The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Baraboo / Wisconsin Dells Airport - Mike Olah

Updated the committee regarding the ongoing initiatives with the airport, and plans for future development. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as recommended by the Transportation and Parks Committee.

Central Wisconsin Community Action Council - Fred Hebert

Reviewed programming and benefits to county. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

The committee recessed for a joint committee meeting with the Executive and Legislative Committee at 11:00 a.m., to reconvene with budget reviews at 1:00 p.m.

University of Wisconsin - Baraboo / Sauk County - Michael Brophy, Phil Wedekind

Presented request for regular operating budget as well as the additional money for the Living and Learning Center (residence hall project). The Capital Improvements team has reviewed the proposal and included it in the ten year capital improvements plan. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Commission on Aging - Trish Vandre, Lee Roundy

Volunteer drivers have not yet been an issue with the rising energy costs. Provided information regarding budget restructure and changes. Discussion of how the changing role regarding advocacy will impact the overall budget in future years. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

Personnel - Michelle Koehler

No significant changes have been proposed. The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested.

County Board

The Administrative Coordinator's recommendation is to fund this budget as requested with amendments to account for changes in per diem.

The committee recessed from budget deliberations to commence the regularly scheduled Finance Committee meeting at 2:00 p.m.

Motion by Fordham, second by Bychinski to approve the budget as presented including the Administrative Coordinator's recommendations, also including increases to per diems of $6,047, decreases in shared revenue of $1,255 and $44,000 for utilities related to opening jail unit A.

Motion by Bychinski, second by Wenzel to call the question. Motion carried.

Motion by Kriegl to amend the original motion. Motion failed, lack of a second.

Action taken on original motion. Motion carried 4-1.

Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary