Joint Meeting of Finance, Executive & Legislative, and Law Enforcement & Judiciary and Personnel Committee

The special joint meeting of the Finance, EXECUTIVE & LEGISLATIVE, LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PERSONNEL Committees was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by County Board Chairman Wenzel and certification of open meeting compliance was given.

Members present: S. Alexander, T. Bychinski, A.Carlson, A. Dippel, P. Endres, J. Fordham, V. Hartje, T. Kriegl, T. Meister, C. Montgomery, R. Sinklair, H. Sprecher, P. Tollaksen, W. Wenzel

Others present: J. Ashford, R. Cassity, J. Earl, J. Gaalswyck, A. Lombard, L. Haugen, M. Krueger, L. Volz, D. Stevens, J. Stoeckmann, J. Wheeler, K.Beghin, J. Briggs, M. Hafemann, W. Orth, J. Prantner, K. Schauf, R. Stammen, members of the public and media

Supervisor T. Kriegl challenged the agenda noting it did not provided for public comment. Kriegl expressed concern that other County Board Supervisors who do not serve on one of the four invited committees should be allowed the opportunity for public comment.

Motion by Kriegl, second by Tollaksen to amend the agenda to include opportunity for public comment.
Motion carried.

County Board Chairman Wenzel opened the proceedings to nominations for a Chair of the Joint Meeting. Motion by Montgomery, second by Tollaksen to nominate W. Wenzel to preside as Chair and to close nominations.
Motion carried.

Motion by Tollaksen, second by Dippel to adopt the amended agenda.
Motion carried.

Joint Meeting Chairperson Wenzel opened the meeting to public comment:

A. Lombard, Supervisor of District #14, referenced two newspaper articles; both articles were in reference to the State of Wisconsin's intent to terminate renting bed space for state inmates in county jails. Lombard offered to provide copies to anyone interested.

L. Volz, Supervisor of District #13, asked if attending members of the invited committees would also be provided with an opportunity to provide comment.

Motion by T. Kriegl, second by P. Tollaksen to amend the agenda to include opportunity for the attending invited committee members to make public comment following the conclusion of the presentation. Ayes - 8, No - 5, Motion carried.


Joint Meeting Chairperson Wenzel informed the members Interim Administrative Coordinator, K. Schauf and County Controller, K. Beghin would present information in regard to the estimated expenses and revenues related to opening one or both pods of secure detention A Unit at the Law Enforcement facility.

K. Schauf began the presentation by explaining the handout which had been distributed. The first portion consists of an overview of the Law Enforcement Facility, the jail specifically, and information and data obtained from other counties. Also included were considerations of impacts both positive and negative to be considered in opening up the two additional pods of "A" unit. Finally, monetary considerations were documented and examined.

K. Beghin, County Controller presented the appendix portion of the presentation which documented the incremental monetary impact to Sauk County of opening Unit A. Beghin began this portion of the presentation noting the professional function of the County Controller is to provide unbiased calculations based on available information. She has relied on the expertise of the department managers to develop the numbers.

Discussion both in support of and opposition to the proposed opening of the "A" unit continued. Questions and requests for clarification of the materials presented were responded to by Controller K. Beghin, Sheriff R. Stammen and Jail Captain M. Hafemann. Based on estimated 2006 amounts, 87 inmates would be needed in 2006 to fund 2006 operations, start-up costs and closure costs. Only Dane and Rock Counties are currently willing to contract for beds in 2006, but only for a total of 55 to 63 inmates in excess of the 50 out-of-county inmates already housed in Unit B. Debt service and depreciation costs were excluded from the calculations since these costs are not dependent on the decision regarding Unit A. Some felt these costs should be included. Future interest from other entities and rates charged were also discussed at length.

Motion by T. Kriegl to remove the proposal of opening the "A" unit from the Sauk County 2006 draft budget, motion died for lack of second.

Motion by T. Meister to approve business items "b through f "
(b) Consideration of a Resolution to Create One (1), Half-time (.5 FTE) Jail and Occupational Health Nurse for the Sauk County Sheriff's Department Effective January 1, 2006.

(c) Consideration of a Resolution to Create One (1), Full Time (1.0 FTE) Position of Maintenance Technician for the Sauk County Emergency Management Building Safety Department Effective January 1, 2006.

(d) Consideration of a Resolution to Create One (1), Full Time (1.0 FTE) Position of Clerk for the Sauk County Sheriff's Department Effective January 1, 2006.

(e) Consideration of a Resolution to Create One (1), Full Time (1.0 FTE) Position of Lieutenant - Security for the Sauk County Sheriff's Department Effective January 1, 2006.

(f) Consideration of a Resolution to Create Twelve (12), Additional Full Time (FTE) Positions of Deputy Sheriff - Security (Jailer) for the Sauk County Sheriff's Department Effective January 1, 2006, to be forwarded to the full County Board at the next regularly scheduled business meeting, second by V. Hartje. Discussion.

Motion by P. Tollaksen, to call the question and have a roll call vote on the approval of positions by Committee, second by A. Carlson.
Motion carried.

Roll call vote by individual Committee:

Personnel Committee, Meister - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Tollaksen - No, Bychinski - Aye, Alexander - No. Ayes - 3, No - 2. Motion carried.

Finance Committee, Dippel - Aye, Kriegl - No, Fordham - absent, Wenzel - Aye, Bychinski - Aye. Ayes - 3, No - 1, Absent - 1. Motion carried.

Law Enforcement Committee: Montgomery - Aye, Carlson - Aye, Fordham - absent, Tollaksen - No, Sinklair - No; Ayes - 2, No - 1, Absent - 1. Tied, Motion Failed.

Executive & Legislative Committee: Wenzel - Aye, Sprecher - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Hartje - Aye,

Endres - No. Ayes - 4, No - 1.
Motion Carried.

Motion by Sprecher, second by Sinklair to adjourn the joint meeting.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Kathryn Schauf, Interim Administrative Coordinator