Finance Committee
Meeting Minutes

DATE: October 11, 2005

Members present: Al Dippel, Joan Fordham, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Tom Kriegl, Bill Wenzel

Others present: Kerry Beghin, Carol Gasser, Kathy Schauf, Sheriff Randy Stammen, Lt. Kevin Fults, Tom Scheidegger, Todd Liebman, Pat Carignan

Al Dippel called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Certification that the open meeting requirement was met. Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham to adopt the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Fordham, second by Dippel to approve the minutes from previous meetings.
Motion carried.

Public Comment

Kathy Schauf, Interim Administrative Coordinator, discussed her expectations for the next few months. One of her goals includes continuing the strategic planning process by pursuing improved communications between departments, between departments and the County Board, and with the public.

Business Items

Presentation of 2004 financial statements by Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP.

Tom Scheidegger, Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP, described the requirement that governmental units have an independent audit. The auditors review the County's financial data by testing a sample of transactions to develop an opinion on the likelihood of material errors or misstatements. For 2004, there were no major journal entries recommended by Virchow, Krause which indicates that the County's records were in good shape. Rating agencies like to see 10 to 20 percent of the subsequent year's budget in general fund undesignated, unreserved fund balance; for 2004, Sauk County's is about 29 percent. Based on the levy limits imposed by the State effective with the County's 2006 budget, it is expected rating agencies will be looking more closely at all Wisconsin governments. Scheidegger also reviewed the points in the management letter. Kriegl expressed displeasure with Virchow, Krause's reporting of Health Care Center accounts receivable problems and debt writeoff.

Consider resolution for Authorization to Accept a Crime Scene Trailer from the Sauk County Tavern League and to Amend the 2005 Sheriff's Department Adopted Budget.

Sheriff Stammen described the need for equipment in processing a crime scene. There is too much necessary equipment to carry in a squad car; this equipment could better be carried in a trailer dedicated to this equipment. The Sauk County Tavern League has offered to purchase a trailer with fixed equipment, such as heat and air conditioning, shelving, and a generator. Crime scene processing equipment is existing in the Sheriff's department. Vehicles to pull the trailer are also existing, and ongoing maintenance would be minimal. This would be shared by every municipality in the County. It is expected to be used about twice a month by the Sheriff's department, plus other municipalities' use. Motion by Fordham, second by Bychinski to gratefully accept the donation.
Motion carried.

Consider amending Financial Policy 17-95, Disposal of County-Owned Property, Excluding Land and Buildings.

As discussed at the September meeting, the policy has been updated to allow for disposal of items less than $500 by departments after publication. Tim Stieve has also requested that his office review all disposals. Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel to approve the amendment.
Motion carried.

Update on direct deposit.

Offering voluntary direct deposit is proceeding for the Sheriff's Department. Direct deposit could also be offered to the County Board, but it would have less administrative burden to be mandatory. Executive and Legislative Committee will be approached in November about making it mandatory. For the County Board, it is likely we would have to take one week longer than without direct deposit to process the payroll and meet the bank's deadlines for electronic files.

Consider recommendation of 2006 budget to the County Board for publication.

Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel, updated the Committee on the results of last night's joint committee meeting regarding creating new positions for opening jail unit A. Oversight, Personnel and Finance Committee approval are all required for positions to be created outside the budget process. Since the oversight committee did not approve the positions (on a tie two to two vote), the positions did not progress. Other changes since the September 15 meeting, include withdrawal of the Assistant Administrative Coordinator position, adding funds for the Administrative Coordinator retirement package, returning the Solid Waste Manager position to the landfill to complete transition and long-term planning, adding funds for a crisis bed at a CBRF for Human Services, and adjustments for indirect costs. Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel to approve with recommended changes. Motion by Kriegl to amend the budget to remove opening Jail Unit A from the budget. Motion failed, as no second was received. Original motion approved, with Kriegl opposed.

Treasurer's Report

Carignan updated the Committee on departmental activities. There are five certificates of deposit maturing in October, so she is working with many area banks to maximize interest earned. Carignan also discussed a request to waive interest, penalties and taxes for a church in Reedsburg. The church failed to properly file for exempt status four years ago. Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham to deny waiving the taxes, interest and penalties. Motion carried. Motion by Wenzel, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of the Treasurer's invoices in the amount of $4,604.05.
Motion carried.

Accounting Department Report

Beghin updated the Committee on activities of the department for the past month, including 2006 budget preparation, jail unit A analysis, filing of continuing disclosure related to debt and compiling data for the EE04 report. Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham, to approve the payment of Accounting invoices in the amount of $4,357.95. Motion carried. Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham, to approve the payment of the county invoices in the amount of $4,271,096.35.
Motion carried.

Wenzel updated the Committee on correspondence received from the office of Representative Sheryl Albers regarding a wish to study the court costs paid by and State and counties.

Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham, to adjourn. Next meeting is October 18, 2005 at 5:50 p.m. to approve the county bills. Next regularly scheduled Finance Committee meeting is November 8, 2005 at 8:30 a.m.
Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary