Health Care Center Committee

DATE: Monday, February 7, 2005
2:00 p.m.
Conference Room, Sauk County HCC
S4555 Hwy CH
Reedsburg, WI 53959



  1. Call to order and certify compliance with open meeting law
  2. Adopt agenda
  3. Adopt minutes of previous meetings
  4. Communications
  5. Update of electrical/gas usage - Bill McClary
  6. Personnel Department Report - Pope
  7. Public Comment
  8. Consideration of a Resolution commending Sandy Liegel for years of service - Leeck
  9. Consideraton of a Resolution commending Jo Clement for years of service - Leeck
  10. Review and Acceptance of monthly and yearly donations - Leeck
  11. Administrator's Report- Leeck
  12. Closed Session pursuant to Statute 19.85(1)(i) - Considering any and all matters related to acts by businesses under s.560.15 which, if discussed in public, could adversely affect the business, its employees or former employees.
  13. Reconvene to open session immediately following closed session discussion.
  14. Review and Consideration of bad debt write-offs - Buttonow
  15. Business Office Report - Buttonow
  16. Discussion of future of SCHCC
  17. Next meeting
  18. Adjournment

COPIES TO: County Clerk, Carlson, Volz, Endres, Borleske, Bychinski, Pope, Wiegand, Buttonow, Birdd, McClary, Pate, Web Liaison

DATE NOTICE MAILED: January 28, 2005

PREPARED BY: Jeanne Leeck, S.W., Administrator Sauk County Health Care Center