Health Care Center Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: May 5, 2005

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Linda Borleske, Larry Volz, Tom Bychinski, Paul Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Administrator; Lisa Buttonow, Business Office Manager, Katie Pope, Personnel Manager. Ron Birdd, Environmental Services Manager; Liz Miller Volunteer Coordinator; Bill McClary, Chief Engineer were present for a portion of the meeting.

  1. Called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Borleske, second by Bychinski to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
  4. Communications. None
  5. Public Comment. None
  6. Liz Miller spoke on marketing strategies which she has incorporated into our advertising. We are now sponsoring the school lunch announcement on Channel 12 which will run until school is out. The High School Video club will be videotaping our Memorial Service which will be held on May 27th. Charter cable channels in Spring Green and Sauk City get their programming from PAX in Baraboo which we already use. We also are in the Commission on Aging Newsletter which is out every other month. Will pass out our brochure at the meal sites and will present a program also. Liz was complimented on her progress and was asked to report every month. Art mentioned that he is going to have a vehicle in the Great Circus Parade and has asked Bill to make a sign to put in the back thanking the community for their support.
  7. Ron updated the board on any progress made on getting rid of some of our obsolete beds. He has contacted several charities and has had one response from a church member. Found a web site called "Sharing Resources Worldwide" and they are very interested in taking some of our beds. They will take any kind of good used medical equipment. Working out the details.
  8. Discussed the rental units transfer to the Sauk County Housing Authority and possible transfer of farm management to another county department.
  9. Monthly donations were reviewed by Jeanne. Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to approve the monthly donations in the amount of $920.00
    Motion carried.
  10. Bill explained the problems we recently experienced with the back up generators. We were able to get parts and make the necessary repairs. Accumulated bids as a precautionary measure. Jeanne will contact Coreen to discuss getting on the agenda for the Emergency Management Committee for further discussions regarding the availability of emergency generators in the county.
  11. Jeanne presented the Resolution commending Carol Berendes for years of service. Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to approve the resolution commending Carol Berendes for 32 years of service.
    Motion carried.
  12. Administrator's Report. Jeanne indicated that the Wisconsin Counties Association has asked all counties to back their resolution asking the state to rethink the ICF/MR Initiative. Many counties are finding that the amount of money following the residents from a facility to the community is inadequate in many instances. Nursing Home Initiative will be next. This is National Nursing Home Week so are planning on hanging pictures and naming the units. Many activities planned to celebrate. Also is National Nurses Week. Jeanne has each department reviewing and updating their Policies and Procedures. Goal is to have one computer file containing all the Policies and Procedures. Survey Team from the State was here regarding a series of complaints from one family member. State found no violations and we received no cites. Diane sends out the Resident Satisfaction Surveys every month and they come back very positive. We also are getting more comments expressing concern over our staying open and the need for a decision from the county board.
  13. Personnel Department Report. Katie reviewed the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the past month. Updated the board on the FDD Unit restructuring.
  14. Business Office Report. Has been an excellent month for collection. The Virchow Krause audit went well. Should have the Medicaid cost report submitted by the 20th. Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to approve the vouchers in the amount of $115,279.14.
    Motion carried.
  15. Discussed the future of the HCC. Were happy that the resolution passed last month and look forward to the new committee which will be formed. Have not heard anything yet as far as committee appointments.
  16. Next meeting - June 2, July 7 and August 4 all at 8:30 a.m.
  17. Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to adjourn.
    Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:15

Respectfully Submitted: Linda Borleske, Secretary