Ad hoc Continuum of Care Committee Minutes

DATE: July 12, 2005

PRESENT: Linda Borleske, Larry Volz, Paul Endres, Joan Fordham, Lowell Haugen, Judith Stoeckmann, John Earl, Jeanne Leeck, Gene Wiegand, Kerry Beghin, Sue Hebel, Trish Vandre, Al Dippel, Cindy Bodendein, Diane Keylock, and Art Carlson

ABSENT: Tommy Bychinski and Joan Wheeler

  1. Called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to adopt the agenda.
    Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Dippel, second by Stoeckmann to approve the minutes.
    Motion carried.
  4. Review of gap analysis data, cost analysis scenarios, and census statistics. Kerry passed around the summary sheets from each department. Largest gaps (waiting list 320 people) were found in Human Services with the major reason being lack of funding. Fordham suggested that the Committee concentrate on areas where they have some control and not on waiting lists due to lack of funding where they would have no control.

    Gene passed around the state's projection for population increases through the year 2030 for Sauk County and county specific census information regarding the elderly. It included population by living arrangement - by gender, those living alone and not living alone by age cohort for Sauk County in the year 2000. Second graph was same statistics by percentage. Applied information to summary data to project what same groups are going to do over time - trends. Asked if this kind of information would be helpful for the committee to project level of needs in the future. Will continue to provide the information to the committee. Poverty projections would be especially helpful.

  5. Guest Presentations - Fred Hebert, Executive Director of Central Wisconsin Community Action Council, Inc. Have offices in Lake Delton and serve 5 counties including Sauk. Variety of services including food pantries, weatherization, home rehab and crisis assistance. Only provide services to low income clients. Are a Community Housing Development Organization and have done some development in Sauk County. Have partnered with Reedsburg Housing Associates in the past. Do provide some services for the elderly and those with disabilities provided they meet the income requirements. Have housing units in other counties. Some have apartment managers on-site. Have waiting list for the home rehabilitation. Have no accurate statistics on how many elderly/disabled citizens they help.

    Cindy Bodendein, Public Health - Have 35 different programs that serve the public. Voucher program is largest of the programs. Provides vouchers for uninsured citizens to receive acute medical care. They also have the Maternal Child Health nurse, the Prenatal Care Coordination Program, a nurse who assists Human Services on Community Options Program referrals, Environmental Health Program, Women, Infants and Children Program, Home Care including - Foot Clinics, Personal Care Worker Program, and the Community Support Program. Communication is ongoing between departments. Gaps identified include lack of dental care, prescription glasses payments, no coverage for prescriptions for chronic conditions, coverage for cost of care for communicable diseases, lack of transportation, Section 8 housing availability. Do not keep waiting lists. If person has Medicare or any health insurance are not covered in voucher program. Elderly are served in Home Care program, COP referrals, Community Support Program, and Environmental program.

    Pat Hamilton, Executive Director of Community Development Authority, Baraboo - Maintain two housing units in Baraboo which is Section 8 new construction. Two units are independent living, rent adjusted units. Rent is subsidized by HUD/WHEDA at Donahue Terrace. Donahue Terrace elderly building serves 64 residents with only 13 men and Corson Square has 39 residents with 5 men. Also have the Community Development Block Grant Program which offers homeowners interest free loans payable when house is sold. Applicants are low-moderate income as determined by HUD. Do not have waiting lists. See a need for cheap housing that provides some services - meals etc. Complimented the HCC on the therapy and other care residents receive. Residents return faster and in better condition when they have been at SCHCC for rehab. than any other facility.

    Sue Nagelkerk, UW Extension - Presented a copy of the Sauk County Resource Guide. Any additions to this publication should be in by August 1. HCC is not currently included.

  6. Continued discussion of review of gap analysis data. No more discussion.
  7. Development of information needs and future plans. Several members attended the seminar on Challenges of an Aging Society. Demographics seminar was overwhelming in numbers. Challenge will be great. All county Nursing Homes have more Medicaid residents than the private ones. Nursing Homes will be around for a long time. Gov. Doyle said he would like to cut nursing home beds by 25% by putting people back into the community. Did not address the lack of appropriate community placements and took no questions. Senator Kohl was very good and answered all questions. Sessions also on different models for service delivery. One being the model of total managed care. Presenters are eligible for speaking engagements. Also was presentation by Dane County on their Task Force on Aging . Speaker would be interested in presenting to this committee. Gene mentioned that that report was distributed last session. Should have specific questions in mind to ask presenters. Suggestions made on specific presenters to come. Michael Thomas, Administrator of Manitowoc County Health Care Facility; George Potrascke, Director of Board of Aging and Long Term Care; Trish Vandre regarding Medicare Part D; Speaker from Dane County; Brian Schoenck, Wisconsin County Homes Association. Fordham felt she would rely more heavily on the "experts" for information because they are most knowledgeable in their fields. For next meeting should develop questions for speakers. Also should fill out the sheet with dates of availability for these meetings. Gene suggested committee also formulate list of general questions that they would like answered.
  8. Future meetings. Next meeting will be on July 26 at 6:00 p.m.
  9. Motion by Carlson, second by Stoeckmann to adjourn.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary