DATE: July 26, 2005
PRESENT: Linda Borleske, Larry Volz, Joan Fordham, Lowell Haugen, Judith Stoeckmann, Joan Wheeler, Al Dippel, Art Carlson, Jeanne Leeck, Gene Wiegand, Trish Vandre, Cindy Bodendein, Diane Keylock, Bill Orth, Kathy Schauf
ABSENT: Tommy Bychinski, John Earl and Paul Endres
Wheeler also asked about the process for getting more information about the HCC to those individuals interested in taking over the management/purchasing the facility. Individual she has been in contact with who purchased Eau Claire County Home and a brokerage firm in Milwaukee are both interested. Gene indicated we could provide the Keefe study and budget - all is public information. Tours are premature. Fordham asked if it would be appropriate for them to write to this committee stating their parameters, expressing their interest, and what information they need. Would be appropriate but with a release so we can check out their credentials also. Would be just an exchange of information. Trish stated that talking with a county administrator rather than a person interested in buying the facility would provide more valid information. Jeanne indicated a supervisor from Jackson County has expressed an interest in providing information to our committee on their experience.
Fordham expressed concern about guaranteeing that the nursing home remain in this county. Also suggested that costs are both monetary and the effect the decision will have on the population. Have to look at both. Inspections are more rigorous in the nursing home than in the community settings. Fordham felt this committee needs to be responsive to the questions posed by other county board members. The committee needs the support and trust of the full board to pass any proposal that is presented.
Gaalswyck sent questions in e-mail to the committee in which he asked about cost effectiveness of community placement vs. Nursing homes. Sue Hebel has presented this information at a previous meeting so it is available. With the pending nursing home initiative, funding will not follow the resident if it is deemed less expensive to maintain the person in the nursing home rather than community placement. Gaalswyk also made reference to ICF/MR being empty. Jeanne indicated the initiative is to close the ICF/MR, however cannot close without a place for residents to go. Currently funding hasn't been following them closely enough to place the more costly residents. One option may be to have some "centers" for residents who can't go into the community. For the DD person, they are not putting caps on the funding for them to be placed into the community whereas in the nursing home situation they are, so far.
Committee would like to hear from Dane County and their study and strategies used to resolve identified issues.
Jackson County representative regarding their experiences
Representative from state or state associations - Perhaps Chuck Wilhelm from the Department of Health and Family Services.
Possible Representative of Wisconsin Partnership Program, or Family Care Program in Richland Co.
Brian Schoeneck of WAHSA.
Stoeckmann requested a copy of the March 03 issue of Wisconsin Counties magazine. Also, copy of the study referred to in that issue entitled "Redesigning Wisconsin Human/Social Services Delivery System".
Respectfully Submitted By: Joan Fordham, Secretary