Health Care Center Committee Meeting Minutes
DATE: August 4, 2005
PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Linda Borleske, Larry Volz, Tom Bychinski, Paul Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Administrator; Lisa Buttonow, Business Office Manager, and Katie Pope, Personnel Manager. Ron Birdd, Environmental Services Supervisor; Steve Pate, MIS Coordinator and Kerry Beghin, Controller were present for a portion of the meeting.
- Called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law
requirements were met.
- Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to adopt the amended agenda.
- Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to approve the minutes of the
previous meeting.
Motion carried.
- Communications. Newspaper article regarding Maplewood was shared.
- Public Comment. None
- John Alt and Judith Stoeckmann of MATC spoke to the committee regarding
their program and the importance of their partnership with
Sauk County Health Care Center. Their registered nurses have been coming
to the HCC for some time for a clinical rotation which has been very helpful
to them. Currently have a two year waiting list for RN/LPN programs so
the need is increasing, and clinical sites are becoming more difficult
to find. Would be enthusiastic supporters of whatever decision the Continuum
Committee makes to keep the Health Care Center operating. Would be interested
in presenting at a Continuum of Care Committee meeting.
- Jeanne updated the board on marketing done over the past month. We
continue sponsoring the Humane Society Pet of the Week on Channel
12. Have been advertising the Classic Vehicle Show in various venues, visited
meal sites in Baraboo and Lime Ridge, and our activities continue to be
listed in the Commission on Aging Newsletter.
- Ron presented the information and bids for the mattress purchase.
Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to approve the outlay expenditure
for purchasing specialty mattresses.
Motion carried.
- Ron updated the board on the bed/mattress dispersal to Sharing Resources Worldwide. Last shipment of beds was picked up today. Proper county procedures have been followed for this dispersal.
- Ron discussed the proposal for painting/repair of various areas of
the facility.
Motion by Endres, second by Carlson to approve the expenditure for painting/repair
of various areas of the building.
Motion carried.
- Jeanne presented the bids and information for the wheelchair
Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to approve the expenditure
for purchase of wheelchairs.
Motion carried.
- Monthly donations were reviewed by Jeanne.
Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to approve the monthly donations in
the amount of $1,298.93.
Motion carried.
- Administrator's Report. Our Medicare census continues to be high however
has stabilized. Some increase in staff time has been necessary.
If the trend continues will have to look at other departments
since the effects of the extra workload will reach all departments. Staffing
for next year is difficult since we still aren't sure the trend will continue
over time. Had a meeting with Kerry regarding budget labor
issues. Duplex sustained some damage during the storm in May and tree removal
company bills are being sent to our insurance company. Committee agreed
that hours of labor from the Maintenance Department should also be sent
Air conditioning in Laundry is in and working well. Bill is planning on
constructing an awning to put over one area of the building where two walls
meet since they have been unable to fix the leak although various things
have been tried. Sanitation contracts are expired this December and each
department now can contract with whomever they choose. Was decided that
the HCC will stay with Peterson Sanitation.
- Personnel Department Report. Katie reviewed the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the past month. Continues to follow the staffing on the FDD Unit making adjustments as the census declines.
- Business Office Report. Lisa reviewed the vouchers and financial statements
highlighting items of interest. Business office staffing continues
to be a challenge however new permanent billing clerk began
working August 1. Continues the process for the project position. Working
on some banking issues and the possibility of taking advantage of some
new technologies.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to approve the vouchers in the amount of $117,007.97.
Motion carried.
- Steve updated the board on the software evaluation
process. Continues to gather and review data to determine the feasibility of going forward with the Melyx upgrade.
- Steve presented the resolution to upgrade the current
KRONOS Timekeeper Central system to the KRONOS iSeries Timekeeper system. The
Timekeeper Central system is no longer supported by the vendor
so needs to be upgraded or replaced. New iSeries Timekeeper system would
provide many options for reports, scheduling, policy enforcement, expansion
to other county departments, and automated transfer to MUNIS.
Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to approve the joint resolution authorizing
the purchase of the KRONOS iSeries Timekeeper System.
Motion Carried.
Future of Sauk County Health Care Center. Linda was thanked for taking
over for Paul at the last meeting. Members felt the committee
is moving in the right direction. Several speakers are lined
up for presentations at the next meeting which should be helpful for
the group. Joan Wheeler has some people interested in buying/managing
the HCC and they were asked to write letters of interest to the committee.
Human Services has been asked to provide more statistics so the committee
can better address their long waiting lists.
- Next meeting - September 8, October 6, November 3 at 8:30 and December
8 at 9:00 a.m.
- Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:30
Respectfully Submitted: Linda Borleske, Secretary