Continuum of Care Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: September 14, 2005
PRESENT: Linda Borleske, Joan Fordham, Joan Wheeler,
Al Dippel, Art Carlson, Tommy Bychinski, Paul Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Gene
Wiegand, Bill Orth, Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Diane Keylock
ABSENT: Larry Volz, Judith Stoeckmann, John Earl, Lowell
- Called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting
law requirements were met.
- Motion by Bychinski, second by Carlson to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
- Motion by Fordham, second by Borleske to approve the minutes.
Motion carried.
- Communications: Paul indicated that the Baraboo News survey
asking if the county should sell the HCC if a buyer could
be found resulted in a vote of 71% against selling and 29%
for selling.
Kathy passed around copies of an e-mail received from
Tom Kriegl in which he asked if other county owned nursing
homes operate with minimal levy dollars and if so what
conditions allow for this. Paul has done some checking
on Columbia County operations and will present a response
to this committee, the whole board, with a written response
to Mr. Kriegl. Communication also received from Joan
Wheeler and Joel Gaalswyk asking that another representative
from Eau Claire County present to this committee. Will
discuss under future plans.
- Presentation of community care costs by Bill Orth. Total
waiting list of 300 with 267 costing an average of $42/day
to serve and 33 costing $200/day to serve = $6,502,110 to
remove all from waiting lists. Tax levy needed would be $4,589,055
each year plus additional HS staff, computers, work stations
etc. This assumes the placements are there - includes no
building costs.
- Jeanne updated the board on the request from Mr. Davidson.
Copies of all material requested will be sent. There is only
one copy of the Medicare/Medicaid cost reports so will remain
at the HCC however will be available for inspection there.
Will make one copy of books to send to him. Three copies
of all other information will be available for the committee
in Kathy's office.
- Kathy reviewed the goal sheet with additions made by Joan
W. Joan asked if it would be possible to find in which communities
the needy populations are located. Bill suggested looking
at his waiting list but If they aren't on a waiting list
we would have no way of knowing where the elderly/disabled
live. The Health Care Center MDS has address information
- Jeanne will look into that. Looking at a way to define
the characteristics of the population to be served. Access
to the waiver programs is fairly consistent in that they
have functional and financial assessments. Could use the
COP assessment tool as a starting point for financial characteristics.
Committee then looked at the chart of services provided,
funding, gaps and the county's role in the service. Additions/changes
were made to the chart as well as discussion of entries.
(Paul asked Bill to update the board on the homeless program.
An 800 number has been set up for residents to call if need
rental assistance, shelter etc. Card has been printed and
will be distributed. System is now organized.)
Quorum was lost since Tommy had to leave.
Kathy suggested the committee take the forms home and
pencil in ideas. If information is given to her ahead
of time, she can make changes and get it out before the
next meeting.
- Possible presentation by member of Eau Claire County board
with an opposing view to Ms. Bates was discussed. Joan Wheeler
has contacted the Eau Claire County board and one member
of the board and Corp. Counsel would be available on October
11 by conference call with a Power Point presentation. Preliminary
arrangements have already been made by Joan for the presentation.
- Future meetings. Next meetings will be on September 28,
October 11, and October 24 all at 6:00 p.m.
- Motion by Endres, second by Fordham to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary