PRESENT: Linda Borleske, Joan Fordham, Joan Wheeler, Art Carlson, Paul Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Bill Orth, Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Larry Volz, John Earl, Lowell Haugen, Judith Stoeckmann, Sue Bodendein, Trish Vandre
ABSENT: Tommy Bychinski, Al Dippel
Agenda item 6 was moved up to accommodate the presenters.
Administrator of the facility was kept on as well as many other employees. Were asked what cost was shifted to Human Services as a result of the sale and weren't sure there were any. Felt in the long run it may have saved the county money since the new owners have put a lot of money and more programming into the facility. (i.e. assisted living and adult daycare) County Board has never looked at a correlation between the Human Service budget increasing and the nursing home sale. Generally felt the county board wouldn't have put a lot of money into the facility with additional programs, buildings etc.
Labor considerations included complying with Plant Closing Law and bargaining severance packages - handled internally. Made provisions to assure quality/continuity of care including giving employees that stayed higher severence packages. Were unsure of the total closing costs, severence pay costs were approximately $200,000 with 160 employees. Had a master agreement with AFSCME with posting rights. Did not have bumping rights. Not sure how many employees stayed with the purchaser. Agreed to interview all staff who were interested in staying. Old facility did have staffing issues before the sale, as well as severe survey problems including fines/litigation. Current Administrator of the facility could answer more of these questions - Jim Deignan.
Dove Healthcare recent surveys have been very good. Have created a 6 person Alzheimer's Unit and a 30 bed assisted living facility. Now have 30 Medicare residents, enhanced pain management program, mood care, behavioral management, palliative care, creation of "Dove's Nest" adult day care and resident's choice dining program. Have received the Wisconsin Health Care Association award for the past 7 years - Facility of the Year 9/2003. Was voted the best place to work by a regional business publication. Feel it now is a facility to be proud of. Weren't sure of the private pay rates or whether or not the facility has a union. County board members are on their advisory board. Felt the county board would not have maintained the same amount of beds, approved expenditures for a locked mental health wing or given preference to MA patients over private pay patients.
Sale proceeds were used for several things including paying off prior service retirement, general bond obligation, Huber facility construction etc. Also summarized Dove Health Care property taxes received over the last 7 years. 2004 - $123,227.11. Have had no repercussions from the sale - are generally satisfied. Total time from vote to sale agreement was 4 months. Colleen Bates voted against the first resolution authorizing the sale but voted for selling the facility to Dove. Those against the sale at the time were concerned about the quality of care, availability of beds etc. People were resisting change. Felt some people assume that their county would be spending a lot less in Human Services if the county owned a nursing home. This assumes the county would have spent a lot of money to upgrade the facility (including mental health services) which they do not feel the board would have authorized. Dove could take the beds and move out of the area if they wanted to, however they feel this will not happen. Both felt the county board was not equipped to manage the operations of the facility with all of the changes that would have had to be made - private sector has done better job.
Bill Orth agreed to contact the Human Services Director in Eau Claire County to see what impact the sale has had on the HS Department and budget. Also Kathy will contact Colleen Bates who indicated they were working on some information in that regard. Other items which board members would like included would be the patient mix (MA, Medicaid, Private Pay), waiting list, wages, staffing patterns, is there a union now, and how many employees stayed with the new owners. An explanation of the low severance costs as well as any changes that had to be made in the NH for it to show a profit should also be included. More information about the assisted living unit would also be appreciated.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary